Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Word Verification

I've been trying to post comments on several blogs and the word verification is not working, if you are not receiving comments you might go in and check to see if there is a problem, we really do want to comment on your great posts, it just will not let us.



Laura said...

I'm really glad to hear you say this.
It happened to me three times today.
Nothing came up where the funky word was supposed to be. I thought it was my computer.

Unknown said...

When the word verification does not show, I post my comment and click submit and then I get a word verification, type it in and press submit again.

♥ Kathy said...

This is happening all over blogland over the last couple of days. It seems to only be on the comment section that has it 1. embedded below the post and 2. captcha enabled (the little funny letters) If the comment section is full page (like yours) or in a pop up window there doesn't seem to be any problem. It IS aggravating! I hope they fix it soon!

Anne Fannie said...

I am so glad you posted this because I was thinking it was my computer!

Loretta said...

Hi Deb,
I've been having the same problem too. I tried to leave a comment on your mom's site and the word verification never loads. At least we all know that now and won't feel bad if we see no comments to our posts. Have a great day!

momma said...

the masks are so bright and pretty!

KBeau said...

I've been having the same problem. I also had another problem viewing my blog as well as others a few days ago. Everything would load except the posts.

And what Darla said works. When the word verification didn't load, I hit "publish your comment" and then got a word

BTW, I love your pictures.

Neabear said...

Love your header picture. Great post! Your mom's blog was one of the ones I could not post a comment on too. I mentioned it in my 3 or more post on Tuesday. Very frustrating. I was also getting the problem of the posts not loading but the rest did. Sometimes if I went to their archive list and clicked on a headline of their posts, then the post would come up. Crazy huh?

ellen b. said...

Good morning! I really enjoyed your wordless today. Such colorful masks, the doggies with the pirate garb on are so darn cute. And last but not least the cross, a great symbol for the beginning of Lent.
Oh and I too had those issues with the word verification,hopefully people will shut it off...

Carla said...

mine wasn't for a while yesterday also-glad to know it wasn't just me:)

Kat said...

What gorgeous masks! And the pooches are too cute. But the screen cleaner - I was laughing out loud! Thanks for the big giggle. Kathy