falling apart but still interesting...
walk in freezer my hubby converted...
part with...
but it gives me hours of pleasure....

hubby bought me this glider on Craigslist...
wants to sandblast it and paint it...
but you know what...I love it the way it is...
Lot's of hours have been spent sitting on it...
talking about the day...the future...the past...

I love looking at my neighbors garage...
his daughter that lives in Paris painted
this for him....makes me smile when I see it....
I don't live in a fancy neighborhood...I
don't have a fancy house...it needs painting...
inside and out...the carpet needs to be replaced...
the kitchen floor is terrible...but it is a home...
our home...I use to think everything had to be
perfect to invite people over...I would stress about it...
I have finally come to realize...the people that are the
most important to you...love you because of your warts...
your messy house...your dirty car...the ones
that really matter don't care if your laundry room is a mess..
your dogs stink...you have weeds in your flower beds...
You know it is a shame it takes so long to start figuring
all this out....so much stress could be saved....I'm 47
years old and finally realizing what life is all about...
before I was too busy raising kids...running a business...
When I first started blogging I looked at all the blogs
with the perfect houses...feeling a little envious...
now I like the blogs with people
I can relate too....the one's that have problems...who find
solutions...who love their families....who show their warts...
who like things that are worn and rusted.... comfy...
who have nice homes...Not perfect houses...
there is a difference....
This passed year has been something for me....
My son got married...I lost over 75 lbs....found a new me...
my daughter is grown and becoming a wonderful women...
I have a daughter in law...a grandson on the way...
My Mom has gone through health problems...
we are raising my 78 year old father in law....
my husband and I have reconnected in a wonderful
way....we are enjoying our lives more.....I have been
trying to write about all this for a while now...but I keep
erasing the post.....scared to open up too much....
but I'm just me....and you know what....I'm really
starting to like me.....warts and all.......