half tucked in half out....well that is my
hubby...and that is why I fell in love with him..
I remember thinking how he just threw his
boots on and didn't care if his britches were
down or not... what a guy he must be..
and every time I see him like
that it makes my heart skip a beat....
I've dug it up...pulled it up...still comes back...
you know flowers can be pretty even
without seeing the colors...
without seeing the colors...
but I like it....
chipped paint....but still will put out a fire...
rusty ladder...but works great....
falling apart but still interesting...
walk in freezer my hubby converted...
full of wonderful items....that I just can't
part with...
but it gives me hours of pleasure....
I don't live in a fancy neighborhood...I
wants to sandblast it and paint it...
but you know what...I love it the way it is...
Lot's of hours have been spent sitting on it...
talking about the day...the future...the past...
his daughter that lives in Paris painted
this for him....makes me smile when I see it....
I don't live in a fancy neighborhood...I
don't have a fancy house...it needs painting...
inside and out...the carpet needs to be replaced...
the kitchen floor is terrible...but it is a home...
our home...I use to think everything had to be
perfect to invite people over...I would stress about it...
I have finally come to realize...the people that are the
most important to you...love you because of your warts...
your messy house...your dirty car...the ones
that really matter don't care if your laundry room is a mess..
your dogs stink...you have weeds in your flower beds...
You know it is a shame it takes so long to start figuring
all this out....so much stress could be saved....I'm 47
years old and finally realizing what life is all about...
before I was too busy raising kids...running a business...
When I first started blogging I looked at all the blogs
with the perfect houses...feeling a little envious...
now I like the blogs with people
I can relate too....the one's that have problems...who find
solutions...who love their families....who show their warts...
who like things that are worn and rusted.... comfy...
who have nice homes...Not perfect houses...
there is a difference....
This passed year has been something for me....
My son got married...I lost over 75 lbs....found a new me...
my daughter is grown and becoming a wonderful women...
I have a daughter in law...a grandson on the way...
My Mom has gone through health problems...
we are raising my 78 year old father in law....
my husband and I have reconnected in a wonderful
way....we are enjoying our lives more.....I have been
trying to write about all this for a while now...but I keep
erasing the post.....scared to open up too much....
but I'm just me....and you know what....I'm really
starting to like me.....warts and all.......
I love this post Deb. I totally understand what you mean. I wish I had discovered alot of these things years ago too (I'm 50), but maybe we had to stress about the unimportant things to really appreciate the important ones more? My house will never be perfect, but it's the home that we brought our daughter home from the hospital to, it's where we've made a life and it's chock full of wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing this. Kathy
Your post put a big smile on my face this morning. First of all, congrats on losing 75 lbs...that's hard work and something I've not yet accomplished. Our homes are our comfort.. we build them and nest them for ourselves..forget what everyone else thinks. All my sisters have big huge homes (at least one) and I have my little two bedroom barn home with all my critters and it suits me. Then I love the way you state you are "raising" your father-in-law. What a woman! Oh, and the English ivy..I've got poison ivy!
Well Deb I've liked you from the beginning warts and all. You are honest and open and just YOU and that's what I like. Hope mom is doing okay. Please say hi for me! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Loretta
Deb, this was a wonderful post. It takes so much courage to open up. Your past year has been incredible and, yes, the people are the most important things in our lives. Our homes are nothing without the love that fills them. With that love, they are our mansions. BTW, I love your love story!! Just makes my heart sing! Thank you so much for sharing. And, thank you for your sweet comments about our friend, Tony.
PS love the photos, too!!
I agree, we all have warts, and often they're what makes us interesting. Lovely post with apropos photos to demonstrate.
I love taking pictures of "ordinary" things too :)
What a great post Deb, I'm so happy you did it, as I know so many of us can relate to what you've said.
I'm with you...why does it take so long to figure all this stuff out? Now I understand what the old saying "youth is wasted on the young" means!
Well, at least we "get it", some poor folks never do....
I love your post today. So honest... I applaud you for opening up. That's a hard thing for me to do on the blog. You know we must love ourselves before other's will love us back. I love the picture of your husband's boots and the story.
Your family is lucky to have you in their lives.
This is an awesome post Deb. Kudos to you for opening up. I too am afraid to open up too much on my blog. I know it appears I lead a charmed life... but trust me, I/we have our share of troubles. And we have a very small yet what I consider nice house. I don't think I will ever have the grand home that I thought I wanted, but that's ok. It would just be more effort to keep it clean anyway! :-\
We don't get many visitors here... my mom visits at least twice a year, and at first I was stressing about cleaning the whole house before she would get here, because she is a neat/clean freak. Then I asked myself WHY? The last time she was here I apologized for the mess - I didn't even have time to vacuum I kid you not and with 3 dogs that's almost inexcusable. But she was pretty cool with it. I think. Haha.
Thanks for always coming to visit me. I just realized as I was cleaning out my blog roll that I have never added myself to your follower list! Shame on me, but I have rectified that situation now.
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. :)
I think this is one of the best posts I have ever read!!! By anyone! I loved reading every line of it and think you have the secret to happiness figured out and have shared it with us all!!!
AND when that grandson arrives your life is about to take a dramatic turn!!! One that will take your breath away!
Thanks Deb for being open and honest. Great post! I feel the same way about what is most important in my life at 50. Wish I had understood these things sooner. Wasted alot of precious time worrying.
Oh Debbie,
this is a beautiful post!! You lost 75 lbs???? That is utterly amazing, you look like you've always been a tiny thing! My house is far from perfect, It's cozy and cute, but most of it has been DIY and very thrifty projects since we live on a very tight budget. I love blogging for the people and the ones who act like real people with regular problems are my fave!!! Hugs, Cindy
I'm glad you opened up and felt secure in posting this fantastic post! I really appreciate your honesty and openness. I understand about being scared to open up so much, and how that may leave you being perceived. However for me it had the opposite effect. It makes me want to know you more...warts and all!
Congrats on losing 75 pounds! Amazing!
What an absolutely beautiful post Deb! I too appreciate you honesty and sharing your challenges. Most of the blogs I continue to read constantly are the ones that belong to real people, with real paint chipped houses and real thoughts.
Thank you for sharing yours with us.
P.S. I love the picture of the boots, and the story with it!
Gosh Deb, you've got me tearing up with this post. I enjoy looking at the picture perfect blogs, looking for ideas and such, but its the real people behind all the blogs that have come to really matter to me. Even those in perfect looking homes don't have perfect lives and that's a level we can all connect on.
I'm glad you shared some personal stuff like you've wanted. Sometimes us girls just have to talk, ya know? I'm glad you and hubby have connected on another level. It can be tough caring for a parent and I'm sure it helps being a team.
And yes, Sundays are great!
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