Sunday, December 14, 2014

 I can't believe this sweet young lady...
is old enough to get married...

 she is graduating from college this year...
she will be a Teacher...
a very good one too...
she is a dancer from my daughters studio...
I remember her as a 10 or 11 year old...

 her future husband is a really sweet guy...
he was very patient and co-operative...

 they both grew up theater kids...
The Dallas Arts District is where they went on dates...
in high school...
so what better place to have photos...

 Young love is so sweet...

they also showed me a new spot...
a reflection pool...
the possibilities are endless...
I had a great weekend...
Fun Girl Christmas party...
with Ugly Sweater contest...
White Elephant gift exchange...
we had so much fun!
Linda from Linda's life Journal was there...
we all adore Linda...she is so much fun...
and such a sweet lady!
I almost ended up with one of her paintings...
but it was swiped away from me....
lots of fun coming up next week...
Linda's Christmas Tea...
Stringbeans Christmas program at school...
Christmas with my Dad....
I am a blessed girl...


Linda said...

I loved my time with the FUN GALS group!!! I have a little painting for you when you arrive on Tuesday for the Cup of Christmas Tea!! Thank you for adopting me into your special group!!! I love all those awesome ladies!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful shots of this sweet couple. i like the one on the bench to reach his face.

TexWisGirl said...

hi deb! nice to see you again! glad you're still taking photos - cute couple! love the reflecting pool!

Carla said...

Cute couple and great pictures