How can one grumpy person effect so many???
no I'm not talking Hotrod...
but he was effected also....
the vibes seem to spread so quickly...
before you know it everyone is grumpy...
it is like a snowball rolling down a hill...
it just gets bigger and bigger...
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I'm one that doesn't do well with grumpiness..
I like peaceful...
I like everyone being nice.....
when grumpies are around...
it makes me feel anxious...nervous...
I'm not saying I never get grumpy...
we all do....
but I try very hard not to pass it on...
I try to change my attitude...
look at the good side...
I sure wish others could do the same...
at least with a two year old fit...
they have it..and it is over...
adult fits seem to drag on too long...
and usually it has nothing to do...
with the people they are taking it out on..
it usually has to do with themselves...
so why in the world do I let it get to me...
my head knows...
but my heart still lets it get inside...
well now I feel better...
hope this doesn't make you grumpy...
just remember smiles are contagious too....
Well I am here to tell you that I am not in the least grumpy because I have finally managed to get onto your website after trying for months (on and off). Have just had my computer repaired so hope I'll be here on a more regular basis. A x
hopefully venting a little helped you shake it off. :)
Hi Deb...are we sisters and just don't know it or do we just share the same brain. I know exactly how you feel...I try my best not to effect others when I feel bad...I ususally try to do something positve to take my mind off of whatever is bothering me.
This is such a great post!
Attitude is always a CHOICE! But everyone must make their own! Hang in there with YOURS!
Boy do I know what you mean!!!!!!
Sometimes we don't realize how our actions affect others- I hope you can shake off the grump's bad vibes!
I understand! I make it a point to smile at people in the grocery store/Wal Mart.... where ever. I don't like grumpiness!
I for one, appreciate a grumpy-topic, now and then. Makes the blogger seem more *human.* :-) Make me feel more, like I'm not-the-only-one who can stumble into grumpiness. :-)
Know what I mean? That some bloggers sound sooooooooooooo full of sweetness and light, that THAT can drag a reader down, in a way..... Making the old thought of; "Wow if she can do it, why can't I?" stuff come bubbling up.
And then, THAT can make one grumpy, just to think such.
Oh gracious but I went off on a tangent, didn't I? But then, what else is new? ,-)))))))
"Summer food....Grown by you...Or on a nearby farm...Does it get any better than this?"
I hear you...
I had words with my father, and now I am not going anywhere near him.
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