Our Catawba tree is blooming....
it was one of the last trees to get leaves....
It is also known as the fishing tree...
because of the Catawba Sphnix moth ..
it starts as a green worm (it feeds on the leaves)
that is great for fishing...
some people plant them just for the worms...
( you can freeze them to fish with later)
we haven't seen alot of them the last few years...
maybe the birds are getting them before we see them...
you can see something has been eating the leaves...
click on the links to see photos of the worms and the Moths..
I learned something new while doing research for this post......
I never knew what the moths looked like..
I remember seeing these every year and didn't have a clue
that they were Catawba Sphinx Moths...
so see you can learn something by blogging....
I will be paying closer attention now...