Due to crazy circumstances, like a dead battery, and no keys, I rode my bicycle to the bank and post office today, I needed to go and didn't have any other way to get there, all my loved ones were occupied else where, working. It is a nice day today, temperature around 80, so I thought why don't I just get on my bicycle and go. By car it is around a 4 mile round trip, by bicycle I believe I went a little further because I took all the back rodes to avoid cars, I did have to cross three majorly busy rodes, the 1st a four lane rode that has quiet a bit of traffic, and 2 others that are one way but have lots of traffic. I was a little nervous going by myself, but I thought what the heck, I have my cell phone, and I have my trusty bell and basket on my bicycle.... so off we went (my bicycle and me)..... I made the whole trip.... going inside the bank and inside the post office taking care of my business in less than one hour..... I was quiet pleased with myself.... now tomorrow.... you might all be hearing a different story........ Now that I've done it, I may just have to do it more often.... I do ride down to the Dollar Store if I just need a couple of things.... but it is just a few blocks away. It reminded me of when I was a kid..... we rode our bikes every where and never gave it a second thought.... even though I got shot with a BB gun one time by a fellow I went to school with.... he said he wasn't aiming at me, but the girl I was with...... needless to say my Mom gave him and his Mom an earful.... luckily it hit me in the neck and didn't go in bounced off, just swollen up.... and there was the classmate that would send his 2 dogs after you when you rode down his street..... then his nice brother would come out and call them back before they caught you...... Thank goodness today I didn't run into any of those problems.....
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Here are some more pictures of my walk on Sunday, it really is enjoyable to take a tour of your hometown by foot, you notice so much more. When your in your car you tend to be focused on getting from point A to point B and really miss out on a lot. My Mom and I joked we probably looked like tourists while we were on our walk snapping pictures here in there. I hope you enjoy the pictures and much as I enjoyed
the walk.......
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Important Maintenance notice
You know you're supposed to clean the outside of your computer screen, right? WELL, YOU'RE ALSO SUPPOSED TO CLEAN THE INSIDE OF IT, TOO! Not many people know about this or know how to do it, so click here to learn how.
A friend sent this to me today, thought I would share with you all.
A friend sent this to me today, thought I would share with you all.
Oldies but goodies
I saw these on the news and thought would pass along... no need to spend a fortune on cleaning products....
OLD SOCKS- Toss an old sock over your hand and you've got an instant cleaning mitt. Spray your favorite cleaner on the sock or on a surface and get to it! Or leave the sock dry and use it as a duster.
PAINTBRUSHES- Remove dust from small spaces that your duster is too big to get into. Also great for cleaning out crevices in electronics.
USED DRYER SHEETS- Used sheets are great for dusting furniture and non-plasma television and computer screens.
TOOTHBRUSHES- Tackle soap scum around the faucet and drain plus great for detailing the wheels on your car.
PUMICE STONE- Perfect for removing rust and hard-water buildup stains from the inside of white toilet bowls. Make sure the stone stays wet and that you don't pres too hard or you may scratch the surface.
HAIR DRYER- quickly remove dust from silk flower and plant arrangements.
COFFEE FILTERS AND NEWSPAPER- leave a lint free shine when used with glass cleaner to wipe down mirrors and windows.
OLD SOCKS- Toss an old sock over your hand and you've got an instant cleaning mitt. Spray your favorite cleaner on the sock or on a surface and get to it! Or leave the sock dry and use it as a duster.
PAINTBRUSHES- Remove dust from small spaces that your duster is too big to get into. Also great for cleaning out crevices in electronics.
USED DRYER SHEETS- Used sheets are great for dusting furniture and non-plasma television and computer screens.
TOOTHBRUSHES- Tackle soap scum around the faucet and drain plus great for detailing the wheels on your car.
PUMICE STONE- Perfect for removing rust and hard-water buildup stains from the inside of white toilet bowls. Make sure the stone stays wet and that you don't pres too hard or you may scratch the surface.
HAIR DRYER- quickly remove dust from silk flower and plant arrangements.
COFFEE FILTERS AND NEWSPAPER- leave a lint free shine when used with glass cleaner to wipe down mirrors and windows.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Word Verification
I've been trying to post comments on several blogs and the word verification is not working, if you are not receiving comments you might go in and check to see if there is a problem, we really do want to comment on your great posts, it just will not let us.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
This Family Sunday is dedicated to our dogs

Our dogs brings us lots of joy and a lot of craziness too. Let me start with Bliss she is the queen of the manor, the only female and the boss of all,she is 9 years old and was a present for my son, she has JD trained, he sits on her in the winter to keep her warm when she is not in her heated dog house, a few years back she started gaining alot of weight even though she was eating the same, was acting like she had arthritis, really slowed her down, she kept a rash on her stomach, was just a mess, went to the vet for months trying to find out what was wrong with her, well they finally did a blood test, and her thyroid was low, put her on medicine and with in a few weeks we saw a big change, she dropped the weight over time and now acts just like she did when she was a puppy. She loves to catch birds, lizards and if a neighbors chicken gets in our yard, well, they don't last long.
JD, he is a blue healer,he is 9 years old and a present for my daughter, such a loyal dog, gives Bliss a bath every day, sits on her if she's cold, will stay with you all day long when you are working in the yard, loves to put one paw on you, or have you hold hands with him. JD got bit by a snake and we thought we were going to loose him, well they did blood tests on him and found out he had a low thyroid, which caused the snake bite to effect him worse, he is now on thyroid medicine also. It is amazing what a change it made in him also.
Nolan is 5 years old and was a Christmas gift from my husband, he said he was a replacement for the kids growing up. Nolan thinks he is the boss, we call him the little drill Sargent, the way he marches around, he is very mouthy and likes to talk back. I named him after my grandfather that past away several years ago. Nolan can be a very sweet and loving dog when he want to, he loves to play ball and will chase a ball for hours on end, when I am vacuuming, he has to bring me a toy to throw, this all started when he was a puppy, he was a little afraid of the vacuum cleaner so I would play with him to get his mind off of it, and it has stuck with him, he does the same thing when I mow the yard.
Jake is 4 years old, and was a Christmas present from my husband also, really he was a gift to Nolan. Jake is our little lover boy, he loves to be loved, he loves to curl up close to you to sleep and if you get up in the middle of the night when you return he will be in your spot. If you are using the heating pad, and get up for something you can guarantee he will be on it when you get back, he loves to chase squirrel and birds. If you do not feel well he will stay cuddled with you all day long. He has a very sweet nature. I have a bathroom off of my office and Nolan will go in, but the door will close behind him and he can't get out, I can call Jake and he will run in and push the door open to let Nolan out. He loves to wear his sweater.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
#1 Song on the Day you were born
This is really cool, my Uncle sent me this in an e-mail today. Click on it and look up your Birthday, let me know what the Number #1 Song was on your Birthday...... Pass it on
"Hey! Baby" by Bruce Channel was #1 on the day I was born.
This is really cool, my Uncle sent me this in an e-mail today. Click on it and look up your Birthday, let me know what the Number #1 Song was on your Birthday...... Pass it on
"Hey! Baby" by Bruce Channel was #1 on the day I was born.
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