today was a beautiful day here in Texas...
also early dismissal day...
so we got to spend some fun time outside...
Stringbean found a way to get a better shot...
and I got to get some shots of my own...
wow January sure went by fast...
way too fast...
Feb. 1st...lot's of fun things coming up this month....
I wonder if the Groundhog will see his shadow tomorrow...
I sure hope not.... I like Spring....
I saw a video today on Facebook...
it had Dean Martin and Foster Brooks...
I laughed so hard watching it...
good bad language...
no raunchy subjects...just clean fun...
tonight I watched Andy Griffith...
no bad half naked people...
no angry people...people treated eat other with respect...
the good Ole days...
Parents were smart in the shows...
grown ups acted like grown ups.....
kids respected their elders...
this is where we need to be...
God Bless America...