Monday, October 4, 2010

Fall is here...

the morning glories are very hardy this year...
every where you look they are climbing...
and hanging on to something...
seems they will come up any where...
had a nice weekend...
got to see Little Britches both days...

I have been hanging on to summer...
but now I realize Fall has hit Texas...
cooler weather...state fair...World Series soon...
I'm ready to plant mums...
buy pumpkins...
and decorate my patio for Fall...

A nice chicken stew would be great for dinner...
what are you having for dinner tonight?


Susie said...

Is that arbor with the vine in your yard? It really is pretty.

Yes, Fall seems to have arrived here too. Yippee!

Deb said...

Pretty arbor! We're having leftover stew that I made yesterday. I've been waiting for cool weather cooking.

Anonymous said...

Oneof my goals this next spring is to have an arbor.

I made a pot of chili yesterday, what with the weather so cool. Only had 1 cup left so I guess they liked it.

I like your blog.

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Fall is my favorite time of year! Love the changing color of the leaves. We're having homemade pizza for dinner.

Cheryl said...

Lovely flowers. Fall has arrived here...very cool in the evenings and early mornings. Beautiful foliage. Tonight we are having pot roast with mashed potatoes, definitely cool weather food!

Anonymous said...

Those are the most beautiful morning glories I have ever seen.

I know it was so much fun with Little Britches...aren't those little ones just the precious!

Bean soup here it is stew and soup weather here too.


Anonymous said...

It's 6 p.m., and I haven't given dinner one thought. Of course, the kids won't be in until 9, so I can think about it later. The morning glories look lovely, and, yes, they are rather invasive. Lovin' this fall weather!

Janie said...

The morning glories look beautiful on the arbor! It's too late to plant mums here. We'll get our first hard freeze any day now.