Wednesday, December 29, 2010

stuffed animals...not the kind your thinking...

all these in one store....
they had more I didn't get photos of...
people started giving me that look...
you know the one....
like why is this crazy lady taking photos??
so I put the camera back in my purse....
I just don't know how I feel about these kinds of stuffed animals...
I mean they are interesting...
and some I would never get that close to...
unless they were stuffed...
then you think some of them were killed just for display...
I would rather shoot with my camera...
but I understand hunting for food....
or to thin out over population...
we are having a bad feral hog problem in our area...
not so much on the trophy hunting..
but to each his or her own....


TexWisGirl said...

I'm with you. I'm not for trophy hunting at all. Food, yes. Population control, yes. Stuffed heads? Not so much...

That one pose of the bobcat and rabbit is pretty artful, I have to admit.

Dawn said...

Those stuffed animals always give me a strange feeling. I'm with you on not sure how to feel.
Stuffed hogs would be quite a sight though!

Jeanie said...

I'm not much on hunting or stuffing animals either, but your pictures are interesting.
You should have just told them your are a crazy lady taking pictures to show to a bunch of other crazy ladies.

lifeshighway said...

I also have mixed feeling about the sport. Where the deer and the hog can be used for food and their is an increasing population of both, the cats makes me sad. I don't understand shooting a animal to get a less than satisfying trophy.

Becca's Dirt said...

I'm not into that kind of thing. I really don't like them hanging in my house. Hope you have a great New Year.

HappyK said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog for a look a the ladybug. :-)
I feel like you do about the animals!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I agree with you about the hunting. I understand the need to thin out populations to keep them healthy with enough food, but I don't agree with hunting for sport.

Laura said...

Happy New Year!
Your friendship means the world to me-

White Spray Paint

Southern Lady said...

Deb, just a note to thank you for taking the time to visit me at Southern Lagniappe, and for all the sweet comments you leave for me.

With my sincerest wishes to you and your family for a New Year filled with happiness and special blessings ...
