Tuesday, November 25, 2014

 this big guy is already 9 months old...
just seems like yesterday I was doing newborn photos of him....

 we are actually having fall colors this year....
I love seeing all the yellows, oranges and reds....

 makes me even more in the mood for Thanksgiving....
which also happens to be Hubbies birthday this year....

 our weather is bouncing up and down....
cold in the mornings and evenings...
and warm mid day...
We have had 5 small earthquakes in our area...
in the last 4 days...
today I think I felt it a little...
I just thought it was a big truck going down the street...
it was a 2.7....
the biggest  so far was 3.2....

 Rooster was not happy with the sound of the camera...
I had it on a tripod with a timer...
that is why he looks so intense...

 I don't enjoy working with a tripod...
or timer..
I like my hands on the camera...

Happy Turkey day to you all...
I am thankful for all my sweet blog pals...
some of you I have never met...
but feel like I know you well...
some of my blog pals...
have become FRIENDS in real life...
Please send up prayers for my two Uncles...
they are driving from Missouri to Texas...
to be with family for Thanksgiving...
it will be a tough drive for both of them...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

you do a great job with the timer shots. all of them are great.. that baby is adorable. happy birthday to your hubby tomorrow

Diana Ferguson said...

Your pics are great!