Wednesday, February 11, 2015

 we have been having nice weather...
here in Texas...
Monday was in the upper 70's...
Stringbean has been wanting to swim...
so he talked his Pawpaw into it...
we have a hot water faucet outside...
so the water was nice and warm....

 he had a blast...
even puts his head under water no problem...

Ain't no body got time for this... 
he was actually making car sounds...
but it looks like when you can't get
your car started...the frustration...

We had a big group of blue jays...
and Mockingbirds...
chasing each other around...
through the trees...
I'm thinking it was a territory war...


Tanna said...

Oh, I've been loving this warm weather... but, looks like no where near as much as String Bean! The boys DO LOVE THEIR WATER, don't they? =) Glad to hear you are enjoying some crochet, too. ;) blessings ~ tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the last two days and today again have been like yours, beautiful and sunny and mild temps.. love the scream in the water

Carla said...

And now we're freezing again. This weather is very bipolar and needs some drugs.
Wish I lived closer to you so you could show me how to crochet. Lets see if the youtube video works for me. LOL