Sunday, August 16, 2015

 On Saturday my Mom and I were walking...
at our favorite park...
we noticed how many perch there were...
all sizes...lot's and lot's of them...
I told Hubby about it...
so we made a date with Stringbean....
we picked him up at 8:00 am this morning...
he put his hook in the water...
boom he had a fish....
he caught atleast a dozen of them in 30 minutes...

Pawpaw was catching them too...
I was having a hard time getting photos...
I had to keep pulling fish off of hooks...
It has been a hard adjustment for me...
Stringbean is in kindergarten...
he's been in school for two weeks now...
8-3 except on Wednesday they get out at 2...
We now have milkshake Wednesday....
instead of milkshake Tuesday...
I'm happy I get to take him to school every morning...
so I get 45 minutes to 1 hour with him before school...
then I pick him up and have a few hours...
Wednesday is my favorite day now...
that extra hour is sure nice...
I know school is good for him...
but it sure is hard on me...
he's been with me since he was 8 weeks old...
the time has gone by too fast...
I've been very sentimental looking a photos...
we are getting a good routine going...
How many days till school is out for Summer????


Linda said...

Ah, what sweetness! I love how YOU love your little Stringbean!!
I know exactly how you feel!
Poor Louis Dean can't seem to catch a thing! Maybe I will send him down there to the park soon! He fished there before all the construction was done.
I am taking 3 weeks off - including Quad Wednesdays - but I may not last 3 weeks!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is hard to believe how fast he has grown to school age, he was just a baby when I met you.

Michaele said...

You have been such a good gma for these past years. Take some time for yourself now.

Carla said...

You're having empty nest syndrome all over again.
I have a feeling you'll be able to find things to do to partially fill that void.