Thursday, April 21, 2016

Taking a little break on our hike...
letting me get caught up...
since I stop so much for...
well you know...

I really enjoy hiking...
we are fortunate to have so many fun
places to go in our area..
Rooster enjoys going...especially when he gets to swim...

for several weeks we had a group of
Cedar Wax Wings come to visit...
of course it was usually when I couldn't get out of 
the office to go get their photo...
or I was cleaning coops or Rabbit houses...with
no camera...
I love black and white photos...
old fashioned...but give a different prospective...

Buster enjoys a little free run time in the 
raised garden...
this was before the spinach...lettuce and cilantro
were planted...

we are getting a little bit of a late start 
on our ground garden...but
what we are planting will do well...
We had 2 baby chicks hatch last night...
I put 3 eggs in a incubator...
22 days later...we have two cuties...
Stringbean named them...
Magic and Sunny...
photos will follow...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the new names and love your bunnies and chickens and of course all the dogs

Linda said...

What a perfectly wonderful life you have!!! Wholesome is the word that comes to my mind and what a gift to your family to have all of these wonderful things going on!! I do love you, Ladybug!!!

Carla said...

Those birds are gorgeous. Lucky you to get to photograph them. Cute little buster. Ever since I told you I had a ty ladybug beanie baby I can't find it. It's one of those senior moments. I put it aside thinking of you and now the hell if I know know where that side is. One day....