Merry Christmas....
it was a wonderful day...
last Sunday we were in the 30's...
this Sunday in the 70's...
you have to love Texas...
our weather is always changing...
Hubby cooked a wonderful Southern meal...
Beef Roast...mashed taters...beef gravy...carrots..
green beans...pinto beans...corn on the cob (string beans fave)...
homemade rolls...I made a fruit salad...
my Mom brought a spice cake and oatmeal cookies...
Stringbean passed out the presents he bought and wrapped...
it was so fun watching him give the gifts...
and wait for the person to open them...
I think he got the true meaning of Christmas...
everyone was very happy with his choices...
he even took his time with each person...
not in a rush...or worrying about his gifts...
when it was time to say the blessing before lunch...
I asked Stringbean if he would like to say it...
and he just melted my heart...
makes a Oma proud to see her grandson thanking Jesus...
Christmas Eve we went to a candlelight service at the Methodist Church...
Stringbean got to be an Angel in the story of Jesus...
it wasn't planned...but he was so excited...
he loves to be in front of an audience...
he also enjoyed the candle light part...
We sang Silent Night...
his Mommy sings this with him every night before bed...
he sings it to me when he spends the night...
when I was growing up...Rock Em Sockem Robots
were the coolest toy to get...
I was so excited to find it for Stringbean...
he loves it....and so does all the males in the family...
Santa brought him Chip...
a Robot is the cutest thing...
it can yoga poses...bark...cuddle...
last year we got him his first Robot MIP...he is Robot crazy...
I found a AM/FM transistor radio to put in his stocking...
it has an antenna also...he thinks it's the coolest thing ever...
(notice it is shorts weather today)
we had a nice day...everyone was laid back and relaxed...
it went too Daughter and her fella left afterwards
to drive to Florida for a week to see his Grandparents...
we get to keep the Grandogter Hatari...
she is my pal....
I love the Dollar Tree...
I found so many unique items for everyone's Stocking...
the fans I found for the ladies were a big hit...
We had a craft...sand art...

Stringbean did a great job on his...

so did my Mom...
the sand was $1 a bag at the Family Dollar Store...
I had the jars and shells...

my daughters...
the lids are for traveling...
Sounds like a lovely Christmas Day! Leave it to you to even include a craft!!
I love that Stringbean did his own gifts to others. You have been such a good Oma and I have learned so much from you!
love all the pics and it sounds like the perfect day to me.. that is so sweet he got to be in the play and I know you are so very proud of him. I would like to play with the robot and also the rockem sockem. when my sons got theirs way back in the 70's, they would not let me play... boo hoo
Merry Christmas. Hope your day was a beautiful one! Enjoyed all your photos.
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