What a great tribute to all our men and women that protect our country...and to all we lost on
I'm proud to be an American.....
go by and visit http://michelebachmann.com/ Michele Bachmann she is trying to stop congress from running over us with their health plan....let's slow down and fix the problems that we have first...then look at a health plan....
http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/196/32772/ another good article to read...
I'm off my soap box now....
Wanted to just stop in and say hi. Love Rooster!!!
I was soooo happy to see that ship finished....What a lovely tribute to all of those who lost their lives on 9/ll...and their families.
What a great tribute to those who lost their lives.
During our visit to Waterford, Ireland, hubby and I went to the Waterford Crystal factory. There is a beautiful Commemorative Piece depicting the 9/11 disaster in crystal glass. I shall add to a future post.
It is amazing, isn't it? Makes me proud...
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