Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Excuse me lady...
I'm hard at work here...
now look...I've lost count...
knit one...pearl two...
or was it left leg...right leg....
oh darn....
okay I'm trying to be a good sport here...
but you are blocking my light....
your going to scare off the good bugs...
why don't you go back to taking photos of that hat....
I'm working here....
you like the way I snuck that in???
 Texwisgirl is another great blog pal...
she has an awesome blog...with a ton of followers...
she never fails to leave a comment...
her photos are awesome...
she is also an artist...
she draws some of the most amazing photos...
if you don't already know her...
I would suggest you drop in for a nice Texas visit....
 Auntie..... has an awesome blog....and always
leaves nice never know what you will
find when you go to visit...she changes her blog...
like most people change their undies...
her blog always make you think...
she is married to sweet Uncle A....
I always look forward to her BIG photos...
 the books or movies that she has read or watched...
If you get a chance stop by....
you won't regret it....


TexWisGirl said...

awww! thank you, dearheart! i love that garden spider. and your silly hat, too. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree on both blogs and thanks for another HAT SHOT.... a little creepy but great photos

Michelle said...

Love the spider shots. Such great arachnids, but creepy all the same! I love Texwisgirl and have been lucky enough to win one of her talented drawings!

Jeanie said...

Love the were brave to get that close. It's a good thing he was so friendly (well, sorta.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh sweet Ladybug from TX. I repeat what I said before...

You have nice Dear Faithful Commenters, because nice people are drawn to nice Bloggers. And you my Dear, are one of the nicest/sweetest. And I am NOT just saying that, because of the sweet words, you just said.

Love those spider comments! -giggggles- I'm not a fan of spiders, but you make them .... Quite human. :-))))))

Gentle hugs,

Kay said...


Just Mags said...

You gave me a big laugh with your... knit one...pearl two...
or was it left leg...right leg....
oh darn....Too funny!

Love the spider shots they are great sweet Deb. I am going to go visit your blog pals. Hugs

Diana Ferguson said...

Great shots!!

Susan said...

So true about Theresa! That spider makes me want to ewwwwwwww! But it's cute the way you handled that!

Linda said...

Cool post! I freak people out with my spider and snake shots.

Carla said...

Squish that spider. eek ;o0
Love the hat. You're good