Tuesday, December 11, 2012

 believe it or not we had a little snow...
not enough to do anything...
but it is COLD...
oh how I miss summer...
 we got our Christmas tree this weekend...
Hotrod helped...we actually took the first one we looked at...
the guy was surprised...most people look at several...
but we knew it was the right one when we saw it...
it's just the right size...
last year I bought new ornaments...one's that will not break...
shatter proof...with a little one...
and cement floors...
glass ones wouldn't stand a chance...
I'm saving all my special ornaments for when he's older...

I have not been a good blogger lately...
life seems to be getting in the way...
been going down memory lane alot...
Christmas always makes me sentimental...
my son turns 29 this week...
where did the time go???


TexWisGirl said...

you shouldn't worry about blogging! soak in the holiday time with your family.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Snow! -pout- I'm so *jealous*!!! -grin-

Non-breakable ornaments! More wisdom on your part.

Knew it was the RIGHT tree! You are my kind of buyer. :-) I hate to look, and look, and look. But he loves to look, and look, and look. :-)

Happy 12/12/12...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my eye is caught by the super baby collage on the side bar. makes me smile. you have been doing great with your blog and family first over blogging every time. i like two ornament pics, beautiful. can't wait to see The Tree

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Time goes by so fast. Happy Birthday to your son. I know exactly what you mean. My son will be 34 in January! I know that I shouldn't be here doing this today, I still have many things to do before Christmas but decided to take today off and get caught up on my reading. Your pictures are so pretty and feel like Christmas.
Glad you got your tree!

Dolores said...

I haven't been blogging either, but I've gotta check in ever once in awhile...
I love seeing the pictures of your precious little Hot Rod...
such a happy boy!

Judy said...

Deb, I love that shot with the Christmas lights!! Just gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your son! Yes, where has time gone? I can't believe it's mid-December, and I don't have the tree decorated yet. :(

Carla said...

Oh how I know what you mean about time getting away. Did you get my Christmas Card? It probably got to after Christmas and it wasn't anything special. Do good intentions count? Hope so. LOL

See I'm just now reading.. See how far behind I am...Yikes.