Friday, February 28, 2014

 feeling blessed...
we got good results back on Hubbies tests...
will be 7-10 days for full report...
but the Dr. is confident all is well...
 we are showing signs of spring here in Texas...
80 degrees today...
same tomorrow...
then...boom...we drop again...
with lows below freezing....
hold on's still a bumpy ride...
 Today while waiting in the waiting room...
I had 3 different women sit next to me...
each one of them had a ton of perfume or strong lotion on...
It gave me asthma and a headache....
 I guess they don't think about the effect it has on others....
it ranks right up there with the smell of smokers to me...
I know a lot of folks that will get a migraine from it...
I did in the past...
There are men just as bad with their cologne...
Less is MORE.....
and I am off my soap box...
Have a great weekend everyone....


TexWisGirl said...

totally agree w/ you on the fragrance. i haven't used any for YEARS!

anyway, glad to hear the prognosis looks good!

Michelle said...

Glad to hear there was good news. I agree about the fragrance issue. I work with a woman who even sprays it on her clothes. Too much!

Unknown said...

Great post.
God's Blessings on Hubbie.

Linda said...

Praise God for good reports!!! Love the pic of Vernon!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this photo must have been on the way to the test from the look on his face. LOL.
so glad the test were good. i love that funky tree and the ones that bend over the walkway.
when someone sits next to me with perfume on, i have to move. once i stood by the door because no more seats. it chokes me and the heave stuff men wear is the worst. the young man at the desk at the YMCA last week had it on so heavy the whole lobby reaked of it. i started to cough and had to hold my breath to get through the room. 3 of us have coffee at a table in the lobby after we are done while waiting on spouses.. i had to take my coffee in the hall and stand. the light floral is not as bad as the heavy stuff. i truly can't breathe. and people who wear it always want to hug me...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is good news and I pray that all the news is good!

Judy said...

I love that cardinal with the little berries bringing out his colour!!! I wonder when they are going to invent some sort of a gas mask for people who have asthma, when they have to go out in public...

Just Mags said...

Glad to hear your hubby got a good report sweet Deb. Oh, am I ever with you on the smoke and the perfume. I have a problem walking down the soap and laundry detergent aisle and when there are people with over-load on the perfume and smoke I come home with a headache and sneezing every time. Love the cardinal picture, fantastic capture. Hugs

Carla said...

I know what you mean about strong perfumes or colognes. I'm one who gets the migrane. No fun.
That cardinal picture is cool.