Friday, April 25, 2014

 Hubby called me this morning...
the neighbors are having a garage sale...
go see if there is anything good...
well look what Hotrod saw as soon as we walked up...
he loves VW bugs...
 oh boy...thank you Pawpaw...
I asked them how much...
$15 but needs a new battery...
Hotrod already fell in love with it...
I offered them $10...they took it...
so off we went carrying it home...
 The seat is missing...
Hubby tried to charge the battery...
it charged for a we atleast know it will run...
 I asked Hotrod what he was thinking about...
he said how to put a new seat in it...
and could Pawpaw fix the battery....
 Pawpaw is building a seat...
with left overs from recovering the jet ski seat...
and located the battery...locally...
 can't you just see the wheels turning in his head...
he sure keeps us on our toes around here!!!
Happy Friday....


TexWisGirl said...

that is just too cute!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Oh, Deb, i laughed all the way through this, i knew what would happen when i saw the word garage sale above the VW bug... those pics of HR laid back in this are just PRICELESS...

Jeanie said...

That is cute as can be. It sounds like he will be "on the road" soon.

Janie said...

Aw, Hotrod is so cute in his new car! My first car was a powder blue VW, so that vintage has a special place in my heart.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well isn't that the cutest car and I just had to giggle at him, too cute the way he is laying in it!

Michelle said...

He will be cruising the neighborhood soon!

Michaele said...

Great photos and great car! Good thing I wasn't there we would have had a bidding war.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i hope he got his battery, just showed this to bob and he laughed as much as i did. he said you KNOW his Papaw will have to fix that.

Just Mags said...

What a cute little VW Bug and those pictures are adorable. Hugs

Angie said...

How cute! He's going to have too much fun on that this summer :)0000

Linda said...

WHAT a great find!! It's like Vernon KNEW there would be a treasure there!!

Judy said...

What a cute car!!! You sure got a bargain! And good thing your husband is able to fix it up!!

Susie - Walking Butterfly said...

Oh my goodness, such a cutie!!