Wednesday, April 9, 2014

if you put out seed...
they will come....
I just wish I would get a few fancier ones...
the blue jays and cardinals tend to stay away from the feeders...

this was a group that flew off when we started flying the kite...

I had forgotten just how many questions a 3 1/2 year old can ask...
and how simple answers are no longer good enough...
Hubby and I were talking about how deep our subjects
with Hotrod get now....Boy oh Boy...
On Monday we took Hotrod to a local thrift store...
he loves going there...
we ran into a little boy in the toy area...
this little boy was 4 and his name was Eric...
well I don't know where Eric's adults were...
but he became attached to us...they
were looking at the toys together...
Hotrod picked up a was a little noise maker type thing...
he told Eric...Hold out your finger...
so Eric did...
then Hotrod said...
"watch out boy...this is a finger getter"
hmmm a famous line his Pawpaw uses a dozen times a day...
Eric didn't get the humor of it...
but Hotrod was sure proud of himself...
then Hotrod told Eric...don't touch's breakable...
two seconds later...Hotrod was grabbing a coffee cup...
I said didn't you just warn Eric about the breakables...
he just gave me a grin...and moved on...
oh this boy is a Hoot to travel with....

I'm starting to believe he is a little Dennis the Menace...
good intentions...but a tad bit mischievous...
well maybe a lot bit mischievous...
a heart of gold...
but maybe a few horns under that Halo...

The blue bonnets are blooming...
Texas state flower...
every spring families run to have their photos taken with them...
a Texas tradition....


TexWisGirl said...

really a cute family pic. :)

dennis the menace is cute, too.

Michaele said...

He is sure all boy. A smart one too! Love that family photo.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a fantasice family shot at the end. to funny with HR... he is growing up size wize and ha ha on the "Dennis the menace...
love that lady bug header

Michelle said...

Love that family shot at the end.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful family picture! Felt proud of Eric the way he made friend with Hotrod and the way taking care of him. Telling him about the toys. Today kids are very intelligent!

Nancy said...

Love that last photo! xo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the pictures and enjoyed what went on in the thrift store :) I think children are born smarter and smarter all the time!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh, I love the family photo in the bluebonnets. I have an old photo of me in a field. I love Texas!!! Hugs!