Friday, September 26, 2014

A day in the life of a 4 year old boy...

 $15 investment....
a pile of sand....
hours of enjoyment...

 everyone likes to get in on the action....
Pawpaw showing Stringbean how to make a tunnel....

 there is so much to do with sand....
build with it....
 climb on it...
 play king of the mound....
after sand time...
comes playing in the pool...
to get rid of all the sand....
then it's time for a picnic lunch....
a few more minutes of playing...
NAP time...
I sure wish someone told me I had to take a nap...


Anonymous said...

Being a Grandmother of six and mine are grown up.
It is so nice to sit back and see how other Grandparents enjoy the ones God has given them.

Love the one with Granddad in there. A treasure of a pix.

Hubby and I look back at our Grand-kids that age with pictures. So enjoyed those moments , weekends. The whole nine yards of being Grandparents.

Yes they tire one out. This is a real boy you have a real adventures sweet looking boy.

Nice show and tell. While he is sleeping. Can you put your feet up for a bit?

Linda said...

I LOVE it!!!! We bought a sandbox for the quads' birthday and Amber and Mike just got it filled and they are enjoying it! However, LD made a BIG one for them at our house (where the old spa used to live - next to the gazebo) and I can't WAIT to see them play in it!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is pretty cheap entertainment and it will last a long time... baby girl would love a sand box to lay in. we thought about getting one but keeping the jungle growth out of it would be a chore.

Michaele said...

Wow! Most boys are happy with a sand box - this kid's got a sand mountain! I hope you don't have cats.

Judy said...

I can remember having a pile of sand like that to play in... When did we stop playing like that?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a great idea with the pile of sand. Looks like he had a ball!!!