Monday, September 29, 2014

 where did September go?
tomorrow is the last day...
just seems like yesterday...
Linda from Linda's Life Journal was declaring Fall...
I bought 2 pumpkins...
one white one for my front porch...
one pie pumpkin...
going to try my hand at Paleo Pumpkin bread...

 I'm still eating the Paleo way...
I've made more changes also...
I have given up processed food...
95% of the time...
there are a few times I have it...
and I don't like the way it makes me feel...
It's fresh whenever possible...
Meat with out hormones or additives.....
minimal processed...

 Hubby is even enjoying it...
well 50% of the time...
he still does the other foods..
but at dinner or on weekends...
he eats my way...even likes it now...
he is eating more fruits and veggies than he has in years...

 My Mom has joined also...
her acid reflex is under control...
her blood pressure is great...
she went off her blood pressure medicine...
her aches and pains are better...
she has lost some weight...
we have fun shopping together...
looking for the best deals...
finding the most for our dollars...
eating healthy seems expensive at first...
but after you do it a while you find ways to do it...
and stick to a good budget...

we have even learned how to be away from home...
and stick to our plan...
it just takes a little planning...
I've cooked more in the last 6 months than I have in years...
but I enjoy it now...and look forward to meals...
it used to be...What do you want for dinner?
I don't know what do you want?
Do you want to cook? you? No...
let's just pick something up...
Now I have things ready...
Dinner can usually be ready in less that an hour...
and it is healthy...yummy...
and I feel satisfied when I am done...
I don't feel bloated...full...or miserable...
well that's my story...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

since i am a non cook and really hate cooking this leaves me out. i rather suffer than cook... and i don't eat meat, except for once in a while all the pics

Michaele said...

I really must go check out that diet. I bet I pretty close to doing that already. Love how you get the people you care about to join you. Nice photos as always.