Monday, December 29, 2014

 Stringbean got a Rocket ship...
from his other Grandpa...
we went to the park to try it out today....
 the box said it would go up to 40 ft....
we didn't want to chance loosing it over a fence...
or having some certain dog...or dogs...
catching it....

It didn't take long for him to get the hang of it...

 This was the sky as we were leaving the park....
 This was the sky when I woke up this morning...
the day started out really cold...
with frost on the ground...
The sun came warmed up a bit...
but then the temps dropped....

it was nice while it lasted....
Stringbean had quite a Christmas this year...
5 Christmas celebrations...
he got to ride on a horse at his Aunts...
my DIL's sister's house...
His Aunt (my daughter) and her Boyfriend...
took him ice skating as part of his Christmas gift...
he loved it...but couldn't understand why they wouldn't let 
go of his hands....he told them he was the best
skater there...I don't have photos...
it was their special time...
his Mommy and Daddy went to watch...
 they made a short video...
My DIL and I took him to the movies on Christmas Eve
afternoon...we saw Penguins of Madagascar...
it was cute...

1 comment:

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is the best Christmas EVER... i love the shot of him and his pawpaw chasing the rocket.. love the sky shots through the trees. i got a 7 am rainbow this moring.