Friday, March 20, 2015

 Happy First Day of Spring....
it is raining here in Texas...
just off and on showers...

 The bees are loving all these weeds  flowers...

 no one is safe around here...
everyone gets to wear the Bee costume...
I tried it on Rooster but he is a little too big...
Hatari is the perfect little model...

 I had a great birthday yesterday...
yep I'm the big 53...
but you know I don't feel it...
of course what is 53 suppose to feel like...
I really like myself better now...
no more worries about what others think...
just concentrate on enjoying life...
enjoying the little things...
like weeds family...
who cares if the laundry piles up...
if I can sit on the ground and watch Stringbean collect ants...
or worms...or build sand castles...
who cares if the dishes need washing...
laying on the floor telling stories...
listening to a cute little boy giggle...and add his own twist to the that is what life is all about...
 my birthday gift from my Mom...
the birds have already fell in love...
me too...
I set in a chair for 30 minutes just watching...
and snapping...while Hubby cooked my birthday dinner...
Pork chops on the grill...
live is good..
Have you told someone you love them today?
Have you hugged someone today?
Have you told yourself you love you...
wrinkles...muffin tops...gray strands and all....
Go will make you feel better...
it just might make someones day...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have not told anytone i loved them today so now I will. I love you Deb and Happy Belated birthday. tell the beautiful bumble bee to do a little rain dance and send a little over here

Michelle said...

Hatari is rockin' the bee costume.

Just Mags said...

Happy Belated Birthday sweet Deb. Sounds like you had a great one. Love the pics and the bird feeder. Hugs and love to you!

TexWisGirl said...

a happy belated birthday to you, deb! i'll be 52 this summer so i'm right behind you. your mom did great!! love that, too!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Lovely photos and the bee costume is so cute!