Saturday, March 14, 2015

 My Mom and Daughter took a trip this week...
they drove to Missouri...
to see two of my Uncles...
my Mom's brothers...
 My Uncle has been battling cancer for a few years now...
going through Chemo and Radiation...
now the Cancer is back...
surgery, chemo and radiation or not an option...
My Uncle is a fighter...
he is not going to give up without a fight...

 Having my Mom and Daughter there...
was just the boost he needed... 
It also gave my Mom more peace of mind...

 Thanks to the prayers from friends and family...
they had a good trip and made it home safely...

 Today I bought seeds for the garden...
I actually found Organic seeds at Home Depot...

I also found Organic Sunflower seeds...
I can't wait to plant....
I hope my Zinnias grow good this year...
Counting down to Spring....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

all the photos are spectacular today. i am glad your mom got to go for the visit and sorry to hear this news.. good luck with the seeds

Diana Ferguson said...

Sounds like a blessed visit at just the right time!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love your photos today. Such beautiful colors. Keeping your uncle in my prayers.

Michelle said...

Glad to hear your mom was able to visit.

Linda said...

Buster is adorable! Leave it to you to have such a sweet bunny rabbit! I can't wait to see your counters! That 'old' gym floor looks pretty darn GOOD! It looks like fresh new wood to me!
So sorry about your uncle but glad your mom and daughter were there to cheer him up. Family makes all the difference!
We hope to clean out an area of Sanford and Son's space for a small garden. I don't know - that dirt may be too depressed to feel like growing anything!

Carla said...

Love your header picture.
Sorry to hear about your uncle. I made my trip to Missouri for my dad back in May who now in remission.
Glad your mom and daughter were able to make their trip give your uncle the much needed cheer up.