Sunday, June 7, 2015

 my first Sunflower to bloom this year...
I can't help but smile every time I see a Sunflower...

 Lucy is a camera hog...
she always comes right over to get her photo taken...
I think she is the leader of the group... second in line...
then the smallest Linda Lou...
The other two girls are a bit rebel...
so I'm changing their names to Thelma and Louise...
They are all looking quite different now...
it is easier to tell them apart...
I sure hope they start laying this fall...
it seems like we have a egg shortage here in the USA...
because of the bird flu in the plants...
no problems in the free range...or organic chickens...
hmmm does that tell you anything...

 The flooding is starting to slowly subside...
our favorite State Park is still closed...
they are hoping to have open July 5th...
which is after the 4th of July...
sure put a damper on our plans...

 After a very mild spring...except for all the rain of course...
our temps have really been great...
until...last week...
then Texas became Texas again...
90 degrees and above...
with lot's of humidity...
well we are covered in water...
Today...we finally have our new A/C installed...
we have not had A/C all year...
You know when you do a certain business...
your household is always the last to get taken care of...
It was a crazy week for service calls...
for some reason people like to be cold...
I'm not complaining though...

 Last weekend I got a Fitbit...
got one for my Mom and daughter too...
it counts your step...
activity level...
even sleep patterns...
My goal is 10,000 steps a day...
or 70,000 per week...
I'm proud to say I got 86,169 steps last week...
my daughter and I challenged each other every day...
sure keeps you motivated...


Carol said...

I love your photographs, especially the sunflower! I want a fitbit! I do not have a smart phone though...I don't know how fitbits work but someone told me you have to have a smartphone to that true?

Carol said...

oops...just saw the "leave your contact info" for responses to questions. I was wondering exactly how a fitbit works.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is good to have others doing the same thing with counting steps, gives you motivation. love the horses in the pool and Lucy is just to funny. i wondered why the eggs jumped from 1.55 to 2.48 this week.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad the flooding is subsiding. Love, love, love your sunflower, they are my favorite!

Linda said...

I got so used to all the WATER and RAIN that it was shocking to me that I needed to water my plants today! It was like I thought after all that we've been through - I would NEED to WATER???
This has been a different kind of spring for us but this morning when I got up and went outside I realize we are in SUMMER!!! I love that because FALL is not that far away! I know YOU are a SUMMER LOVER and I love that about you! I miss you and look forward to seeing you soon I hope! Glad we can still connect with our blogs!

Laura said...

Texas really has become Texas again.
I know what you mean.
It is so hot here.
All of the rain was wonderful and tragic all at the same time.
I think I need a Fitbit.
Is it hard to
learn how to manage?

Michaele said...

You seem to have extremes going on in Texas. I enjoyed your photos. I am thinking of getting a fit bit too. Love your chicken names and the horse photo! Happy walking!

Carla said...

It's hard to imagine how fast all the water came up but sure if taking it's time to go down since the sky keeps dropping more rain on us.

Are sunflowers hard to grow? They might look pretty good up on the farm.

Deb said...

You can use it with your computer

Deb said...

You wear it on your arm and it keeps track of your steps you sync it to your computer or smart phone and track your steps

Deb said...

It is really easy!

Deb said...

Really easy