Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The water has started residing...
but guess what.....
we have rain headed our way...

 Saturday I did a photo shoot here...
for a friends student...
she comes from a large family...
and photos were not in the budget...
we had sprinkles...and a few showers
but nothing major...

 that is until I put my camera in my bag...
then it started pouring...
I was parked about a 1/4 of a mile away...
or at least it seemed like to me...
in the pouring rain...carrying a heavy bag..
with fogged up glasses...
I was soaked to the skin by the time I got to the truck...

 she was an awesome model...
very easy to work with....
 Isn't her Mom beautiful....
you could sure see how proud she is...
and the love between them...
there is a Dad and 5 boys at home...

It was a busy weekend...
Friday night I went to a concert with my Mom...
a Stevie Ray Vaughn cover band...
they were very good...
it was an outdoor concert in our downtown area...
there was a big crowd...
Saturday was chores ...
Sunday morning we put together the GIRLS...
new chicken coop...
still have some work to do...
but they will have lot's more room...
Sunday afternoon we went to the horse track...
meeting a group of my friends from high school...
we are making a point to plant get togethers...
after the loss of our dear friend...
we had so much fun!
then Monday back to work....
I think I need an extra day between Sunday and Monday...
Stringbean is turning 5 this month...
not ready for that!


Linda said...

You do such great photography! I treasure each and every card you have given me and have them framed and on display!
I am dreading the rain but I think we have prepared as best we can. I bought drain extenders to direct the water away from the house and down the driveway to the street. The gutters are all done and hopefully will do the job.
It seems like so long ago when we were last together!! I am still working on putting together a painting class but it will probably be in the fall.
FIVE years old??? How can THAT be??? Well, the quads are three so I guess that's right. I am a better MeeMAw because I have followed along the lines of what YOU did with your Stringbean!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can not believe SB is 5, unreal.. the photos are beautiful and so is she and her mom. love the blues and the sky in the skyline pics. hope you are not underwater today

Carol said...

You are a wonderful photographer! The mother/daughter photo is one that is going to be treasured by both of them forever. Hope you don't get too much rain.

Diana Ferguson said...

Great shots!

Deb said...

Thank you

Deb said...

Thank you