It was a very sad day today....one of our trees had to be cut down

when the city widened our street we thought this tree would be saved.....
well they cut the roots on it..... and it died....... it has been loosing limbs and
was becoming unsafe....today they took it down....

This is what is left of my tree that I truly loved it shaded the front of the house
from the afternoon sun.... unfortunately this is the second old large tree we have
lost in the past year.....it will be truly missed.....they ground the stump and all....
in the matter of a few hours it was like it was never there.... rest in peace
Nothing makes me sadder than seeing such a beautiful, old tree being cut down (though I understand the reasons).
Also, your post on Ms. Bliss and the opossum made me laugh!
I am so sorry........that is very sad!! Will you plant a new tree?
We plan on planting another tree, just not sure what type yet
aww that's terrible I'm sorry Deb :(
Deb I feel your pain. We have had to remove some trees due to their age and it is sad. Mature trees give us a sense of history and provide a canopy to shade us from the summer sun. Maybe now is the time to plant a new tree in memory of the old one. Happy spring!
This is so sad. I hate it when old trees get taken down and then after they grind the stump it's as if it was never there! That happened to a grand old tree in front of the building where I work and they did it over the weekend without warning. Monday morning everyone came to work and spent the rest of the day in shock!
Thank you everyone for such nice comments, it really feels like a big loss when you loose an old tree, I guess I have become a "tree hugger" we plan on planting a new tree in the near future
this is so sad, I understand the necessity, but its still sad.
I'm so glad they completely cleaned it up for you, now you can plant sun-lovers:)
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