Thursday, July 15, 2010

Front porches.....

a few front porches I see in the neighborhood...
we rarely ever even use our front door....
we always go in through the back door...
family and friends go to the back door...
when we hear a knock on the front door...
we know it's not family or friend....
which door do you use most??


Glimpse of My World said...

hI dEb!! We always use the side door.... only open the front door to get mail... crazy!! have a great weekend!

Carol said...

Hi Deb...I like the porches theme, and two of the four have flags. We always come in the garage and into the laundry room. I love to leave my front door open though because the glass outer door lets in much light.

Diana Ferguson said...

Good morning. We are back door people!

lifeshighway said...

We are front door people and I love the festive pinwheel-shell porch. That one says come on in folks. The first one looks like a fortress.

Susie said...

We don't use the front door much. Love the front porches in your pics.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Use back door.

Still love the idea/look of a front porch.

Would love a really old fashioned house, with a great wrap-around porch, and screen in part of it! Dreams... :-)

Dawn said...

Both the front door and the back door! Our driveway is along side both so it depends who is here and where I end up parking!

What drives me crazy is the dogs will bark at one door and if I'm not fast enough to suit them they will run to the other door and bark, just about the time I get to the first door! Or there will be one wanting in at each door!

Tara said...

The front door. I think a lot of it depends on how your house is situated, usually when you get out of the car, the closest door is the one you use!
I have always wanted a front porch,it would be so wonderful so sit on it in the mornings and evenings!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

50/50 I think. If I am driving, the back door as that is where we park the car but if I am walking it is the front door. Lots of different porches though Deb and all pretty.

It's Just Dottie said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I enjoyed yours so such today. We use the back door.

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb...As usual, you've taken the ordinary and made it extraordinary! Good job! That second house looks to be the same style as my grandmother's house. Stirs lots of memories.
We are front door people. When we get out to the renovation house, we'll be side door people again.

Janie said...

There's nothing like sitting out on the front porch, watching the world go by. I like the third one best.