Thursday, October 6, 2011

Caution...I'm on my soap box....

when did things change?
when did people think they deserve what others have?
with out working for it....

who decided it wasn't fair for people to have more than others?
that it should all be shared equally....
even if they didn't earn it...

who decided the only way to be happy....
was to have the same thing everyone else has...
and if you don't...
you are not being treated fairly...

unfortunately this seems to be the new trend....
schools have stopped having normal field days...
everyone gets a ribbon...there are no 1st places...
some schools have stopped giving grades....
everyone gets the same grade...
no more A's.... no more F's.....

Competition has become a bad word...
has become the buzz words....

What happened to hard work....
stick to itness....
happy with yourself for a job well done...
happy for others for their job well done...
loosing and learning a lesson from it....

what happened to counting your blessings?
not what others have compared to what you have...

unfortunately the media...
the current system....
is encouraging this...
we need to change this...
or I'm afraid....
life will truly be unfair....


Anonymous said...

I'm in your AMEN corner sister!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

It is the current Political Governing System, now in place in so many areas, which is enforcing this.

It is the Liberal Mind Set, of those whose minds live in "an-ivory-towers" sort of philosophy.

It is the generations, brought up "on-the-dole", who expect it now, as their due.

It is our fault too, if we allow this "I-Don't-Have-To-Work-For-It" Philosophy, to dig any deeper into the fabric of our Beloved Country.

Please! All you who read this. Please. Do what you can, where you can, to counter this "cancer" which lives among us.

Especially by bringing our kids/grandkids up, to know that they work for what they get out of life. To know this... To have it a given. As it was, when we were being brought up.

Gentle hugs,
"The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown;
The berry's cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.
The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown.
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I'll put a trinket on."

- Emily Dickinson

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

You know those "sayings" we remember, from our growing-up-days? My father used to say; "Pay as you go, or don't go."

How's that for wisdom, from a man who never stepped a foot into the Ivy-Covered-Halls-Of-Colleges.

No, I'm not knocking a college education. But today, when we send kids off to college, they had better be very, very, very grounded in what we feel is "the way to live." Before the high-falutin' professors get to try to instill their warped views, into our kid's minds.

Yikes Hon, did you ever get me off-and-running! -grin-

Gentle hugs,
"The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown;
The berry's cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.
The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown.
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I'll put a trinket on."

- Emily Dickinson

Anonymous said...


TexWisGirl said...

i am grateful not to have kids or grandkids as i believe i'd see this a lot more than i do...

pbrenner said...

I am once again gonna push you off that soap box and take it over if you're not careful, lol - I SOOOO agree with you.

I have tried to raise my son (now 18 and in his first year of college) to understand that life ain't fair, so suck it up and deal with it. He seems to understand and believe that, I hope it sticks as he becomes more independent.

What these idiots don't understand is that they're looking at the world as a zero-sum game - you take from one and give to another (+1 -1 = 0). But the world of free enterprise is NOT zero-sum - the concept of capitalism is to start with some investment (capital) whether it's money or ideas, or whatever, and make something more .. it doesn't require taking something from anyone else. I saw a great article about Steve Jobs, and he is a prime example of that kind of capitalist ... he gave the world much, enriched himself and many others, but didn't do it by taking something away from someone.

Ok, jumping down now, that soapbox is tiring :-) BTW, Love Love Love your blog, thank you for bringing happiness and thoughtfulness into my days !


Nancy said...

I think I'll just say your photos are gorgeous!! :) Hope you are having a wonderful day -- despite all the political confusion.

Beth said...

Scooch over, I'll get up on that box with you!!! Amen sister!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Hey sister, is there room on that box for me??? I'm right there with ya.

Daughter and I were talkin' on the subject just yesterday. Ya live right, are good to others and smacks ya hard!

God bless ya and have an incredible day sweetie!!! :o)

Diana LaMarre said...

It is a sad state when nobody thinks they have to work to get ahead.

Linda said...

PREACH it, Sister!!! Louis Dean is hollering a loud "AMEN!"

Tanna said...

Well said, Deb!! And a bit AMEN from this neck of the woods!! Well said! blessings ~ tanna

Jim said...

Hi Deb,
It appears 'we' are afraid to hurt people's feelings even when they would benefit from it. There is a big difference between hurting someone and learning from something. It is all in the 'delivery' I learned in my teaching career. Honesty if the best way way to go and it all depends on how you say it if it will be constructive or not.
Great photos by the way!

Rose said...

I've never had the nerve to put up a post like this but I sure agree with yours. When I see some of the big shots that are so liberal and preaching against capitalism...if they hate it so bad, why don't they give their money away. If they did that, then I would believe them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am with you on this one, i am wondering why i did not know about this blog and have not been following you on this one. more senior moments?
I agree with what you said 100 percent, preach on sista

Dolores said...

I love this post..... and I say, "AMEN".......