Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'm joining Friday Fences with....
this well worn fence is around a....

I didn't see but a few butterflies...
but there were a lot of bees and wasps...
thank goodness...
they were more interested in the flowers....
than the people...

thank you to everyone that left a nice comment...
on my last post....
Sometimes I just have to jump on that soap box...
I learned something new today...
we have a lot of stop signs in our area...
little britches learned nop sine....
his word for stop sign...
he has a facination with them...
he points all of them out...
on our travels...
I now love nop sines...
also smelling mo marmy (rosemary)...
is an awesome treat...
the Garbage men waved at us today....
it is an awesome vroom vroom....
Have a great weekend...
besure and check out those nop sines...
smell the mo marmy....


Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Awesome post and I will never not look at a stop sign and see STOP it will read nop instead. lol
I just now watered my sweet smelling mo marmy and it is finally looking better after such a dry summer.
Glad I came by tonight and I am sending you good thoughts and a great vroom vroom weekend. haha

Roan said...

Very nice fences. I love hwo the little ones pronounce words. My son called his grandpa's Volkswagon bug a doot-nick. 40 plus years later, we're still calling VWs doot-nicks. Don't run those nop sines or you might get a ticket. lol

Judy said...

I like it...Did you get any photos of the ones you saw?

TexWisGirl said...

nop sines. love it! :)

Linda said...

Remember how Jethro on the Beverly Hillbillies couldn't decide if he wanted to be a garbage collector or a brain surgeon? ALL my children were fascinated with the 'garbage collectors'......and not ONE of them are either of those professions! I must say here in Irving we have the best of the BEST!I commend our city for their great service in that area!!

Donna said...

Beautiful grays in the fences. And nice light in the garden.

Tanna said...

LOL! I love the nop sines and mo marmy!! They make EVERYTHING more fun!! blessings ~ Tanna
ps very nice fences!

Living Life said...

I'll bet the butterfly bushes are beautiful when in bloom and all the butterflies are fluttering around!

Jan n Jer said...

I would love to go visit a butterfly garden sometime! Aren't the little ones so precious while learning to talk. Our youngest grand daughter cracks us up all the time. I love "nop sines" how cute!!! Thanks for playing

Jim said...

I will never look at a 'stop sign' the same way again!

Rose said...

Lovely fence...and I like what it surrounds.

Dawn said...

Love that last fence capture! Beautiful fences Deb:)
Have a wonderful weekend.

Michaele said...

I love fences like this. Blocks the view - yet you can still peek through. Nice photos.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my hubby hates all nop sines LOL
that first fence foto is my kind of fence.

variety tree said...

Thanks for joining our blog! Cute fence!! I love fences.

Faye said...

Luckily this fence doesn't have to do much except look old and picturesque--which it does wonderfully! Looking at your second photo--do you think the pailings were handcut? They kind of look that way to me.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Love that first photo!!!

Awwww yes, isn't the *language* of little ones, sweet?

Gentle hugs,
"On the motionless branches of some trees, autumn berries hung like clusters of coral beads, as in those fabled orchards where the fruits were jewels..." ~~Charles Dickens

Judy said...

Love the fence in the first photo! I have posted the ladybug (what else) for you.
My favourite baby word, is from my second daughter. Her father referred to the two girls and the dog as the thundering herd, which she pronounced as dundering hod.

Jeanie said...

Little Britches will keep you in line now since he knows where all the nop sines are. It is always interesting what the little ones are fascinated with.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I would love to visit a butterfly garden, especially if there were a nice wooden fence surrounding it!

This Fence Knows Riddles

Dolores said...

Grandchildren are so much fun and such a blessing!!!

Love the fences...
Happy weekend,

Bruce Clark said...

Very nice fence shots.