Thursday, October 27, 2011

Today I'm joining Friday Fences

what would we do without our baby gates....
they are definately a life saver....
We are cold here in Texas....
it started raining this afternoon...
thank you to all who responded to my last question...
Game 6 of the World Series...
Go Rangers....


Michelle said...


TexWisGirl said...

that's a great friday's fences contribution!

Rose said...

I wish I had thought of is great.

Judy said...

What did people do before baby gates were invented? We have a couple for the dogs, not that we use them much any longer...

Jeanie said...

Baby gates are great, and pics of a cute little guy looking over them are priceless.

Linda said...

Love those baby feet!!

Ebie said...

Isn't he just so adorable! That guard really is a life saver!

Carletta said...

So sweet!
Love his different stances and pensive looks.
Carletta@Round The Bend

Roan said...

Now that is a useful fence! Love it!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

OMG he's so cute Deb!
Love his blond hair! And gates, oh girl, my hubby had to build them because the sizes we needed was quite wide. Thank goodness for them, I couldn't survive without them!
Love your ladybugs scurrying around on the header!

Carole M. said...

fabulous inventions; great photos. Certainly a fence of a differing kind.

Jan n Jer said...

A lifesaver for sure...we used them for our grands..they come in very handy. He is a cutie pie...hope he dosen't figure out how to climb over..LOL! Thanks for playing today

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Kids hate those kinds of fences--at least mine did!

Old Fence

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is adorable, and it is a fence of a kind. we have one like it but it is a Doggie gate, not babies. we have had it for 26 years, we bought it for our first dog and have used it to contain the rest of them as needed. he is so cute peering over into the other room

Dolores said...

He's so cute!!! Love those little fat bare feet.....
Rootin' for the Rangers!! N

nanny said...

How cute!!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

And hooray for getting them used to gates, right *off the bat.* I have to have a toddler, where I can seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee her or him. :-) Silly 'ol me, hu?

Gentle hugs,
"A house is never still in darkness to those who listen intently; there is a whispering in distant chambers, an unearthly hand presses the snib of the window, the latch rises. Ghosts were created when the first man awoke in the night." ~J.M. Barrie

Faye said...

Oh, these fences have brought a big smile to my face! And what a cutie patootie they are keeping safe and out of trouble. How old? BTW, I always have several babygates around to keep my 4-legged boys out of trouble. Perhaps I'll share the canine version in an upcoming post. :-)

Bruce Clark said...

Nice shots....we even have a couple of those in our house for our grand daughter. :-)

Unknown said...

Very cute shot, and what a great idea for Friday Fences.

Michaele said...

This was a great fence post. I never would have thought of it, even though I have to step over two of the ALL the time, as we use them for the dogs. That first photo is priceless.

Anonymous said...

And what would we do without those adorable little grands...precious pictures. Hugs