One week from today my son is getting married...
this shelf is dedicated to the bride and groom...
My nana left it to me.....

Some of my dishes.....
The window in my sewing room...
Some of my dishes.....
it came from Germany and belonged to my
Great grandparents...I keep some of my dishes in the bottom
Cook books are in the drawer
it came from my Dad's family...
the butterfly dish came from the Salvation Army..
It is raining here no outside work...
Congrads to your Son and his new Wife! Are you going to post pictures of the wedding?
Deb you must be so excited about the wedding. Congratulations to both of them. I love the washstand Deb!!!! You are blessed to have so many beautiful things handed down to you. I only have one piece of furniture that was handed down to me, my great grandmothers cedar hope chest. It is over a hundred years old and I feel blessed to have it. It's not in great shape but someday I will have it repaired. Have a great weekend! Hugs, Loretta
Thank you! I do like having family heirlooms, they may not be worth anything to anyone else but to me they are special...
I will probably post photos without faces as I do not put my family on the blog...
Great Blog & Photos & Artwork! New blog on the Hx. of the Ladybug:
Congrats to your son and his bride!
Congrats to your son and his bride to be!
I love your treasured heirlooms. The washstand is a beautiful piece and a nice way to keep cookbooks handy. I also love your milk glass - I have a lot of mama's milk glass from the 1950's. Enjoy your Sunday.
Best wishes to your son and bride to be. I enjoyed the tour!...Christine
Congrats to your son and his wife!! :)
It is too windy today to work outside, so I will continue my repainting job (kitchen cabinets). I'm hoping to finish up tomorrow... finally! I started this project several months ago. :-0
Glad to see you are "back in the saddle"... hope life is treating you well these days.
Congrats on the future married couple! May they have a great life together...
Your pieces are lovely! And the last picture of your milkware, cake stand, I have that. I got it through Freecycle and I have it on my sidebar! I tell you Deb, great minds think alike!
Great pictures! Great memories! I love your milkware collection. Milkware is one of my favorite things!
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