Friday, June 22, 2012

last night I decided to have a little photo shoot...
at Casa de Oma....

it has been a while since I've taken a walk in the yard...
with my camera on anything but the dogs or Hotrod....
the tomatoes are getting ripe faster than we can pick them....
the plants aren't looking so hot...put the tomatoes are delicious...

......oh how I love cucumbers...
I wish I would have planted more plants...
but you can only eat so many at a time...
I need to learn how to make pickles...

the catapillars have left the dill...
hope we see some pretty butterflies soon...

squash and zucchini...
hubby has been cooking it on the grill...
he fried some and some green tomatoes too....
I don't eat fried foods but they looked and smelled good...

cantelope....they are blooming...
but no sign of any cantelopes...
Hotrod and I love cantelopes....
we have a busy weekend ahead...
a party...two dance recital show...
hopefully the lake on Sunday to re-coup...
our temps are hitting the 100 degree mark...
next week over 100...
we are about a week behind from last year...
what is the song that says...
there ain't no cure for the summer time blues...
I saw a day at the lake will cure them...
what cures your summer time blues???


MadSnapper n Beau said...

what cures my summertime blues?? is to hot for the beach unless we go at day break. but when i was younger the beach would be the place to go
be still my heart on the squash pic, I love squash, my favorite of all veggies and next is fresh cucumbers. also love cantelope.

TexWisGirl said...

i love the first bloom shot. and i could practically smell the dill from her!

Kay said...

These are great macro shots.

Jeanie said...

It is 100 here today....I don't have the blues, but I'd sure like a cure for the heat. Thankfully our nights cool down a lot.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Awwwwww, I love it, that Pawpaw lets his Grand, dress him up!

"Uncle A." used to do the same with our first Granddaughter, whom we took care of in the day. And PLAY games with here. And PLAY the things she would make up, like grocery store, and school, and making believe driving somewhere, on a trip. (I didn't like games...)

Gracious, when it was just Kate and 'Pop' in the car, he would let her tell him which-way-to-turn! Naturally, I did NOT do that.

I did plenty of things with her..... But he was much more flexible. -grin-

"A Weekend in the Country..."
" comfort and quiet, seemed vary attractive. The trees would be bursting into leaf, the grass turning green, the birds beginning to sing. Perhaps the sun would shine, it would be warm."

~"Weekend" by Rosamunde Pilcher LOL...

Judy said...

Maybe you could zoom in a bit on the squash flowers? Please? I love the way they start out all twisted up, and unfurl!