Friday, June 22, 2012

Hotrod got a kick out of dressing his Pawpaw up...
Pawpaw is always a good sport...
our daughter used to put press on earrings on him...
bows in his hair (before he started getting the buzz cut)
even painted his toe nails once...
silly man thought it would wash off in the shower...
he learned alot about girls from our daughter...

we started our 100 degree days today...
wonder if we will break the record again???
hey if it's gonna be hot...we might as well break a record...

I got sad news today...
one of our customers little boys is loosing his battle
with lukemia...hospice is there with them now....
they give him 2 or 3 days at the most...
please send your prayers to the family...
he is only 7 or 8....

a friend of the family had a baby boy this week...
he was 5lb 10oz 19 inches...
his parents are very tall...and they have such a little guy...
and she was late...
it's funny to me how tall girls have little babies...
and shorties like me end up with almost 10 lb. babies...

I know this post is rambling....
but it seems like my mind jumps around alot these days...
to many thoughts racing around....
it must be from chasing around a busy boy...


Nancy said...

Poor little guy -- I feel for his family.

Cherrie said...

Praying for the family

Dolores said...

Prayers for the little boy and his sad.

Your husband is a real sweetheart to let kids dress him sweet.

Karen Whittal said...

Love your rambling blog. Your hubby is definitely a Daddy for just a Father.. your children are truly blessed

MadSnapper n Beau said...

let you mind Jump, mine does the same thing, and it makes for interesting posts. so sorry about the child, i can't even imagine that pain. love all the RUST and hubby looks super COOL in his boa

Anonymous said...

Girl, you are crazy! I am NOT for breaking last year's heat records! OMGosh -- it was too brutal!
My county banned July 4th fireworks last week. We are very dry and didn't receive the great rains Dallas and Tyler have had this spring. I would really like to skip July and August and jump into fall.
Have fun chasing a little boy while you can! Stay cool!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry about the little boy. I will keep him and his family in my prayers.
Love Pawpaw's get up!
I didn't have a 10 pounder but I was tiny and mine were both almost 9 pounds! Such nice sizes for so many years ago.
Love you rust photos. I don't see it often but when I do I make sure to take pictures.

Judy said...

We had heat last week, and today, I was seriously underdressed on my walk - it felt good to be cold again!
Sometimes we take kids for granted, till you learn about someone who is watching their child die...