Thursday, October 24, 2013

I had a productive day today....
it feels good to get something crossed off my list...

It's time for a little Fall cleaning....
I'm ready to get rid of some "Stuff"....

the walls seem to be closing in....

I'm feeling restless....
I guess it's the change of the season....
or the big M....
a trip to the ocean would sure be nice....
or just an escape for a few days....
do you ever feel that way???


TexWisGirl said...

yes. hotrod made me smile. :)

Our photos said...

Beautiful photo!
Greetings, RW & SK

MadSnapper n Beau said...

not now, but i used to feel that way.... great shots of HR and i just crossed off 2 bathrooms, the kitchen counters and wiping down the fronts of the cabinets, started at 6:30 and just finished.

Michaele said...

I feel much more restless just before spring. Yes I do know how good it feels to be productive! Good for you!

Susan said...

yes, yes, yes! It's not just the big M either.

Judy said...

Do I ever!!!
I am still with my Mom, but the home has a couple of free computers, so I am catching up...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the photos of Hotrod! I know exactly what you mean about the walls closing in. When you done you can come help me :)