Wednesday, October 30, 2013

 The Madsnapper took over my Brain....
Love ya SANDRA
Yep...that's my hair...
I've never liked Halloween...
even as a just made me nervous...
My Mom would dress up as a witch...
to hand out candy at my Grandparents house.....
I wouldn't ride home with her unless she took off the makeup...

I've never liked going to Haunted Houses....
I went a few times as a teenager....
I didn't enjoy it at all...
One year a big group of us went...
My best friend and I ended up being the
shield for a couple of our guy friends...
they stayed behind us (close behind)...
and practically pushed us all the way through...
they were more scared than we were...
at the end they ended up knocking us down...
running out on there own....

when I was then boyfriend...
the boy next door...talked me into going to a house...
that everyone said was haunted...
he knew I was really scared of the house...
my best friend lived down the street from it...
so at night...we drove really fast past it...
after a Thursday night band/drill team rehearsal...
me in my drill team uniform...
we went down to the house...
parked on the road... it was up in a bunch of trees...
windows broke out...a great big house...
today I would be there taking a ton of photos of it...
when we were walking up....there was a light flashing...
in the upstairs...I was shaking all over...
but trying not to look like a chicken...I went on...
with a death grip on my boyfriend...
we went inside...I heard noises...banging noises...
I'm ready to run....about that time...
two people come running down the stairs...
It was my little brother and his friend...
I screamed....then I was relieved...
of course the guys all had a big laugh...
they had been planning it for a while...
I didn't know but my brother and his friend...
had been parked at the end of our street...
when I went by to go pick up my BF...
they took off and got set up...
this was way before cell phones...

I've never liked scary movies either...
One night my Mom...Best Friend and I decided to watch one...
I don't even remember the name of it...
but it had a hand that ran around strangling people..
we spent most of our time under the blanket...'s a wonder the neighbors didn't call in on us...
I went to see the movie Ghost with a group of girl friends...
that movie really freaked me out...
I've never watched it again....
I don't know wasn't suppose to be scary...
Be safe my friends....
I will be going to a Fall Festival at Hotrods school...
that is my kind of Halloween celebration....


TexWisGirl said...

i don't like scary movies or haunted houses either. what scares me is madsnapperitis!

Nancy said...

Fun photo edits (not too scary!)

Enjoy the Fall Festival. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that possum is really cool, love it and the HAIR is awesome. my favorite is the house... i like that house and it looks SCARY now.... enjoy your non scar festival. scary movies have never scared me, like the hand thing. because i don't beleive in ghosts and goblins and hands that kill. but the suspense movies with HUMANS doing harm scare me silly.... because they are REAL... that is what makes me afraid of the dark. great post.. keep on playin

Jeanie said...

I've never liked haunted houses or scary movies either. Your Halloween pics are great....I wouldn't want to run into that possum in person though.

Judy said...

We had Halloween at school - mostly food. One woman dressed as a Teletubby, and I wore a cat mask - that was it. The food was a lot better. One woman made ice in plastic gloves, for the punch.
Hey, are you still on the paleo diet? We were taking about caries, and complex carbs are the exact opposite of fermentable carbs, which the bacteria (I will spare you the names) really like!!! So your dentist is going to love you, next check-up!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You caught here virus of having fun with photos!!! I like handing out candy but I'm not one for getting dressed up or going to parties. I'm just starting to like scary movies.
Hope Hotrod is having a fun Halloween.

Linda said...

I don't do haunted stuff....but I do like the fun part of Halloween - like giving out candy and admiring the kids' costumes. I just don't enjoy the 'Scary' stuff!