Friday, October 11, 2013

It is great to wake up....
and feel almost human again....
my lungs felt better with in a day or two...
but then the side effects from the meds kicked in...
lack of sleep...
upset tummy....heart burn...which I never get...
sore body from all the coughing...sneezing...

I was asleep before 7:30 pm last night....
finally....good sleep....
it is amazing how rest...sleep....can make you feel better...
now comes the time to play catch up...
on all the things that got put on the side...
you know the fun stuff...
my reward is girls day at the Fair....
with a free pass...and VIP parking...
Thank you Uncle Tom...
wish you were coming with us....
Happy Friday...


TexWisGirl said...

i just KNEW you'd be well enough to enjoy fair day. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you have gulls guarding, blackbirds marching to the quickstep, cranes lifting off like helicopters and the navy seal gull running with what he took back from somewhere and the air force in the air.
just writing what i thought and this means i just might really me MAD as in crazy

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad your feeling better. Have fun at the fair and these pictures are so beautiful!

Michelle said...

Glad you are feeling better. That first shot is truly excellent.

barbara l. hale said...

Good to hear you are feeling better! Terrific bird pics!

Ramakrishnan said...

Good to learn that you are feeling good. And those bird pics are simply amazing - incredible works of art. Have a happy, restful & leisurely week end. Regards Ram

Judy said...

So glad you are feeling better!!!
And I love the egret!

Judy said...

So glad you are feeling better!!!
And I love the egret!