Monday, November 11, 2013

 Happy Veterans Day....
Thank you to all who have...and are serving...
without you...we would not be free...
Thank you Uncle you...
I spent Sunday cleaning out one side of my storage building...
it was so full you couldn't even get inside of it...
full of
I went through it all...
it brought back a flood of memories...
from when my daughter had the TRM dancers...
for those of you that don't know...
when my daughter was 12 she started a dance program...
at Trinity River Mission in Dallas...
she spent hours each week volunteering her time..
she continued the program for 7 years...
we adopted several of the girls and their families...
 into our family...
into our hearts...
3 of the girls are dancing in college now...

 I have four big boxes full of leotards...tights..and shoes...
that will go to my daughters dancers at her studio...
the Academy dancers...they will use some...
sell the earn money for their Dance team...
I went through costumes...
my daughters costumes...
remembering each dance that went with them...
22 years of costumes...
I do feel better now...less cluttered...
I hope some one finds good use from all I've bagged up...
most of the things were from a thrift store...
that is where I will be taking them...
hopefully they will bring good memories to others...


TexWisGirl said...

good for you for giving them towards new wearers.

the first photo of hotrod's boot peeking out was cute. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so good to give them to someone who can use them instead of letting them just be stored.. more room for you and a treasure to others. love that boot shot

Nancy said...

These costumes then are ones that keep on giving... good for you!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go on cleaning out half of the storage building. That picture looks like a brain!!!

Janie said...

Going through the years of collectibles we accumulate is a trip down memory lane, but it does feel good to send them on to new homes, where they might do someone some good.
I agree with the comment above. That does look like a brain!

Judy said...

I love that first image!!! So creative of you to think of it!!!

Our photos said...

Nice photos!
Greetings, RW & SK