Monday, November 18, 2013

 the Birthday girl....not so much on photos...
 she's getting used to her Aunt Debbie....
with a camera in her face...
 Group hug...Hotrod is in the middle...
it was a beautiful day for a party at the park...
 there was even a pirate at the party...
my daughter said wouldn't it be nice to be a kid again...
you could dress as any character you want to...
and no one would say a word....
 I always knew my brother was a clown...
now I have proof....
 my SIL... a pretty princess...
I gave my niece dress up clothes for her birthday...
she wanted her Mommy to wear the crown....
Princess for a day....
It was a fun party....
the Birthday girl was worn out...
so was her Aunt...


TexWisGirl said...

she's really cute.

Judy said...

But I am betting the birthday girl went home and straight to bed, while her aunt didn't...
The CPR teacher we have is in constant motion, and constantly talking! I get tired watching her...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that sweet little hand, hands and feet of babies and small children are so beautiful.. great shot of you and the princess...

Michaele said...

You captured this wonderful fall party well

Susan said...

How fun! Cute pictures!

Michelle said...

A cutie and I love her pig tails!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The pictures are adorable! Looks like a fun time.