Thursday, November 14, 2013

Smiles are contagious....
too bad more people don't get infected with them...

unfortunately grumpy...bad behavior...
is also contagious...
but it seems to spread easily...
more people seem to get infected by it...
whatever happened to...
If you can't say something nice...
Don't say nuttin' at all....
seems to me people tend to go WAY out of there way...
to say something ugly...
like on Face book or Blog posts...
well if you don't enjoy something..
or believe their believes...
you do not have to respond...
you can just move on...
why leave an ugly comment????
Some people like to think of themselves...
as some one that always speaks their mind...
well you don't always have to say what your mind is thinking...
some things are better left unsaid...
a little self control....a little kindness...
can sure go a long way....
of course the people who do this...
most likely won't understand what I'm saying...
or even realize that it is about them....
But...I feel better having said it....


TexWisGirl said...

i prefer to spread kindness to controversy. love the kids' shots!

Janie said...

I try to live by the "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." maxim. It's a good one.
Great photos of the kids!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i agree and that is one of the reasons i am not a fan of Facebook and don't go there very often. it has become a place of every one speaking there minds on everything, that and twitter. and then getting upset if others don't agree. i like blogging about daily life and photos, and try not to do very many post that can cause dissent.. love all the pics today. we bought a car.

Michaele said...

Amen on this. There are some bloggers out there who should refrain from commenting when they are having an off day. Really cute photos today Deb.

Judy said...

I know just what you mean!! Does the world really need more nasty!!
I love the images of the kids peeking around the door!!

Susan said...

Both attitudes are contagious. I remember once a motherhood teacher told me that the woman controls the spirit at home. If she is grumpy, so will everyone else be, if she is happy, everyone else will be happy. I remember thinking "great, thanks for that responsibility", but I learned very quickly it's true, no matter where you are.

Tanna said...

Amen. Amen. And, amen, Deb. I absolutely agree. blessings and hugs ~ tanna