Wednesday, November 6, 2013

 I just couldn't resist sharing this one...
brothers on a tractor....
Big Brother was so patient...
 I love a red house...
not sure what it was used for...
but thought it was so cool....
 a nice little ducks though...
maybe hiding....
 I'm thinking it is time for a little fishing...
Mom....get out your fishing gear....
we need a ladies day at the lake....
 yellow flowers just make me smile....
 even when they are about gone...
that yellow still hangs on enough...
to make me smile...
 I've had several people tell me this one should be framed...
I'm thinking I just might have to do that....
Brr we are nippy here in Texas...
at 4:30 am it was 72 degrees...
at 6:30 it was 50 degrees....
the sun is shining...
after 3 days of rain and drizzle...and gray...
the sun is very welcome....
even if it is COLD...


TexWisGirl said...

i just got in from my walk - which i've missed the last two days. didn't mind the 50 degrees w/ brisk wind - just loved getting out. :)

i really like the family line-up slant w/ the slanted building.

and the cattails thru the window is really great.

Ramakrishnan said...

Studying the tractor mechanics - hope they don't drive away with it :)And a charming red barn. Lovely pics all.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i forgot to tell you yesterday how much i like the shot of the blind that you used as your header.
the family pic is a super shot. that will be great memories for them.
cute tractor guys and i love all the shots through the blinds to... we are at 67 wake up and in high 80's in after noons, for the next 7 days

Susan said...

These are all lovely images. I love the tiny little flowers. So pretty!

Nancy said...

Love that little cabin/house -- would be perfect down by our pond!

Linda said...

Beautiful pics!! You are such an artist! Cold wind blowing down here - but it IS drying up some of the mud!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The pictures are awesome and the one buy the red barn is perfect!!!