Sunday, May 17, 2015

I saw this bird at the park today...
I've never seen one before...
so I emailed TexWisGirl ...
she knows so much about birds...
and of course...she knew the answer...
It is a Brown Thrasher...
a very handsome gentlemen...
so happy to add a new bird to my list...
 the girls are growing....
they are busy little ladies...
we have a temporary pen for them to play in outside
at night they stay inside in a box...
they are on their third box...

 I have been killing flies for them...
they know when they hear me swat one...
they look up and wait for me to drop it in their pen...
we have had so much rain...
the flies have been terrible...
I've made some natural fly traps...
you just use a plastic water jug...
poke holes in it.....
add 1 cup apple cider vinegar...1 cup molasses...
I have caught several...but have lots more to catch...
 the trinity river is out of it's banks...
this is usually a grassy area with a road...
now it is a big lake...
 Hubby and I use to ride his motorcycle down here...
you need a boat right now...
there is lots of flooding in Texas....

 This was taken at a local park...
you can see the debree in the background...
we had a lot of rain last night....
this waterfall is usually a trickle...
not today...
I woke up at 2:30 am Saturday morning...
with a terrible pain in my neck and shoulder...
I had rolled over in bed...and it hurt...
I had fallen asleep in my chair watching I guess
I was crooked or something...
It hurt to raise my right walk...
to move my neck...
I got out the trusty heating pad...
took Ibprofin...and took it easy all day...
it is hard to do things left handed...
today when I woke up it was better...
still not back to normal...
but getting there...
you never realize how much of your body
you use every day... until something hurts...
then you notice it...


Linda said...

Do you use Ben Gay? I love it! There is also a Chinese linament at the 'Stinky Store' that is awesome. It has a red label on it.
We will be home tomorrow to see what it looks like after all the rain!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are right about the don't know you use it til you lose it, even a finger or thumb... glad you are better.. all that water is scary and it looks like you had more over the week end... hope you are not close to biker hell in Waco.

Michelle said...

I do hope your rain slows down a bit!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

It looks like we are in for more rain..someone said it isn't going to stop all summer. All of our rivers are up and out of their banks- I am really ready for this to stop. It's already too dangerous.

Carla said...

I am so glad the rain has gone away for a while. Our yard is still too soggy to mow. Maybe by the weekend. You brought back memories when I would visit my grandparents when you talked about feeding flies to the chicks. My cousins and I each had a fly swatter and would run around killing flies so we could feed them to the chickens. LOL

The bird was pretty. I'm gonna have to make a note to ask TEXWISGirl when I have a bird identification question.

Stay dry and safe