Friday, May 1, 2015

It is amazing the difference...
from last Friday to today....
I feel like a brand new person...
poor Hubby is not feeling well now...
and he never gets sick...
hopefully he won't get it as bad as Stringbean and I did...

I'm so enjoying my little "Farm"....
my garden is coming right along...
my spinach was growing wild...
I put up a bunch in the freezer...
to be used for cooking and smoothies...
passed some on to family....
Hubby and I have spinach salad every evening...
and most lunches too...
Buster and Duke are enjoying their fare share also...

our weather has been so nice this week here in Texas...
cool in the mornings and evenings...
warm and sunny during the day...
after all the rain we had last week...
every thing is Green and growing...

Tonight I sat outside...
enjoying the sounds of the birds...
watching them fly around...sing their songs...
just feeling at one with nature....
we had a rainbow Monday evening...
not a big one...
but it always brings a smile to my face...
a good friend gave me these petunias 3 years ago...
they have been coming back each year...
I love flowers that keep coming back...

Happy May 1st....
Did you do a little May Dance around the May pole?
with all the unrest in our country...
it sure is nice to have a little peace in my own little world...
today Stringbean and I put out a blanket...
pulled out some books...
we enjoy reading together...
now we pick out words he can read...
and he helps me...
today he brought a Lego project...
a Fire Truck.....ages 5-12...
well let me tell you...
it was quite the project...
it probably took 3 hours total...
I had to take a few breaks to clear my mind...
we got it finished though...
I was quite proud of myself...
following page by page...
pulling a part and starting over a few times...
not something that could be rushed...
boy was I happy to get it finished...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

fun with legos, my boys would not let me play with their toys... love your haning petunia patch and glad your weather is better now.

Carla said...

It would have taken me more than a few times with the lego projects.
So much for the nice weather.
For every ray of sunshine we get there are 2-4 inches of rain right after.