Sunday, January 8, 2017

This morning I went to Church...
with my Mom and two of my best girlfriends...
it was such a great way to start off my day...
Todays service was about baptism...
the different ways each church goes about it...
some believe in sprinkles...some pouring...
some submerging...
it was a fun service...
he also played a song for us....

 everyone grooved to the song...
who doesn't love Stevie wonder...
then he changed the name Jesus...
it gave us even more reason to love this song...

 after church I was starving...
why does going to church always make me so hungry??
does this happen to you??
I made lunch for Hubby and I...
we spent the rest of the day relaxing...
I worked on photos...and getting my FB page organized...
we watched movies...
the sun was out...but the wind still quite cold...
Hubby cooked dinner...

he even made homemade flatbread...
I don't eat bread anymore...
he has digestive issues and has found a book
that explains what causes it and what to eat to 
heal your stomach....
so many things you have been told not to eat...
or told to eat are just not correct...

 a dear friend called me...
her 16 year old dachshund is about to cross over
the rainbow bridge...
she asked if I could post on FB and ask for prayers...
it is such a difficult time... to loose a fur baby...
if you could please say a little prayer...

 tomorrow is the last day of Stringbeans
Christmas vacation...
I am going to miss him so much during the day...
we have had a good time the last 2 weeks...
believe it or not these were taken the week after Christmas...

  Our wedding anniversary is in February...
34 years....
sometimes it seems like just yesterday...
sometimes it seems like forever ago...
(especially when I look in the mirror)
we are planning a weekend away at our favorite cabin....
in March we will go there for my birthday...
in April for Easter...
so much to look forward to...

looking forward to warmer weather this week...
Goodnight and God Bless...


Linda said...

I know what you mean about missing Stringbean! I haven't seen the quads since Christmas Eve! Longest time ever for us!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for the pup that is passing that rainbow bridge and for the loved ones left behind. sorry to hear about hubbies stomach problems. prayers for him to. church doesn't make me hungry, I was born hungry and am all the time