Tuesday, May 15, 2012

could you imagine having such a long neck???
I've always loved looking at Giraffes...

being a shorty myself...
couldn't imagine being so tall...

we ate our first tomatoes off the vine...
oh I had forgotten what a real tomato tastes like...
we have squash...zucchini...peppers...cucumbers...
the green beans are flowering...so are the canteloupe...

after our horrible garden last year...
we are doing the happy dance as each plant flowers...
Hotrod (aka little britches) and I are off for our morning walk...
then off to run errands...he loves going bye bye...
he doesn't understand why all the dogs can't go with us...
now that would be a zoo....
4 dogs...and a busy boy...
would equal one crazy Oma...


TexWisGirl said...

i'd say so!

love the spots on giraffes. so beautiful.

Bev said...

Are they beautiful animals... And I can't imagine having veggies in May!! We just planted our garden...and on Friday we are suppose to have rain...with possible snow flurries:)

Dolores said...

Beautiful giraffe pictures.....as tall and lanky as they are, they still look so graceful.

Sounds like Little Britches is growing into Hot Rod,...so cute!!!

Diana LaMarre said...

There is nothing like a fresh tomato. You are so lucky to be able to enjoy them this early.

I would love to go to a zoo. It's been years since I have been to one. I think it would be a fun way to spend the afternoon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i had an experience years ago that showed me that a giraffe has a tongue about 2 miles long. that tongue came out to get the peanut and never ever seen one that long. they are beautiful and fascinate me no end. enjoy your day with your boy minus the dogs

Susan said...

Beautiful giraffe! Good luck with the garden!

Janie said...

I love giraffes. They're so graceful.
Yes, 4 dogs and 1 boy requires 1 full time zookeeper!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Giraffes are my favorite! Love these pictures. So many people already have produce from their gardens. Mine are just starting to flower!

A Colorful World said...

Love the giraffe with his tongue sticking out! :-)

Judy said...

I love giraffes! Did you know they only have 7 vertebrae in their necks, same as people?