Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mother and Son....

I love watching Mother and Son too...

the bond they have...
the way my daughter law tells him about the world around him...

from day one she tells him about everything they see...
the smells...the tastes...the colors...

she lets him experience the world around him...
all the while keeping a close watch on his safety...
his well being....
I'm so thankful we get to share in their adventures...


TexWisGirl said...

you definitely get to share hotshot's life in ways a lot of grandparents don't. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Aww...those are so sweet.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Fantastic mom to be teaching him about the world! Go, Mom! So cute, he is! Can't believe he's growing so quickly!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that last shot is truly priceless

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

He is a lucky little boy, all round. Having such wise and loving parents. And a loving Grandmother to take care of him, during the week.

He has such a head-start on becoming a wonderfully happy, and productive human being, with a well-rounded personality, this way.

What a legacy, you all (and Grandpa too) are giving him.

And what a 'Gift To The World' you are all giving too. This poor ol' world really needs as many happy, well adjusted and productive people as it can get!!!!!!!!!! Our Beloved Country does too.

Happy to know you, Dear One!

-happy sigh-

Dolores said...

Sweet pictures...... you are blessed (and I am too) to have loving parents for your grandchild.

Anonymous said...

Your little hotrod is also growing up fast! Gorgeous loving family!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures sweet Deb. What a wonderful thing it would be if all families were so close and loving as yours. I so enjoy the fun and happy times with your family that you share in pictures. Hugs