Wednesday, May 2, 2012

this is where Sturdy Starling rests...on our roof...
he seems to be doing well...he flys fine...
the other birds don't seem to pay any attention to his disability...

a few of my cactus are blooming...
I wish the blooms lasted longer...

my cantelope (that I dried seeds from another cantelope)
are starting to excited...

the second batch of green bean I planted are growing faster than the first batch I planted....
I have one tomatoe turning a little excited for that first one..

little britches decided in the middle of the patio was a good spot
for Ms. Froggie...I have to agree...doesn't she look relaxed...
I got to sit on my swing for a little while before dark last night...
just camera...and 3 dogs of course...
it was nice to have a few minutes to relax...
for the last few months I have felt like that dog chasing it's tail...
trying really hard to get more organized so I can get caught up...
I don't think I will ever stay caught up with everything...
but it's getting a little more manageable...
there is so much I have to much I need to do...
so much I want to do...
some days it makes my head spin...

this one keeps me motivated to do it all...
especially the want to dos.....


Bev said...

So nice to see all you plants growing!! So nice you have such a wonderful helper too!!

TexWisGirl said...

yeah, with gardening, now, i'm guessing you won't be slowing down any time soon. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is good you do what LB wants to do and give him great memories, things to do take backseat to LB things.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great shot on the cactus flowers. I have one blooming now also. Your veggies are looking good. I am just starting to get some buds.

Dolores said...

I know the feeling!!! Your precious 'little britches' is enough to keep you going.....

Dolores said...

I know the feeling!!! Your precious 'little britches' is enough to keep you going.....

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh, I'll say Little Britches is just adorable, I'd be following around all the time! Forget all else!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Thank you for reporting on Sturdy Starling. I'm so glad he is seeming to be taking care of himself. :-)

A Colorful World said...

Your garden is doing great! I will be posting some about mine soon!