Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm not happy with my homemade dish detergent...
it leaves a film on plastic and glass...
doesn't do a good job cutting grease...
even if I rinse in vinegar...

I've looked at other recipes...
played with them a little so luck...
I am very happy with my homemade cleaner...
my homemade furniture polish...
I've noticed my furniture does not get dusty as fast...
I think the commercial brands have something
in them that draws the dust...
I love the laundry detergent...and bleach substitute...

I really enjoy making my own products...
if you know of a good hand dishwashing recipe...
I would love to try it...

I found a recipe for homemade finger paints I'm going to try out...
also homemade bubbles....
some fun for Hotrod....


TexWisGirl said...

these are obviously still zoo shots or you've got some exotic birds, there! :)

Tanna said...

G.R.E.A.T. shots, Deb!! I admire your creativity in coming up with your own products... if I made any, they would probably ruin the finish on the furniture. ;) blessings ~ tanna

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The pictures are so beautiful. Thank you! Have a nice weekend.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Nice shots- that last one is kinda scary! I've not had a lot of luck with homemade -except for fabric softener- and that one is so easy and cheap! I have a friend who makes face lotions and soap bars for me- so much nicer than store bought.

Bev said...

That first guy sure is pretty!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is one cool bird in the first shot. home made bubbles sounds great, lets see that recipe. i love my dawn to much to give it up for home made. what is in the homemade furniture polish. i think you are right about the bought stuff drawing dust

pbrenner said...

LOVE the bird photos! And please do share the furniture polish recipe :-)

Hope you're enjoying the Memorial Day weekend with your family ...


Cherrie said...

Do you have a link to all your homemade product recipes?

Carla said...

That last bird looks like he's holding up his leg as if to say "Talk to the hand and don't take my picture" Oh okay maybe not. Love the bird shots. Have you shared your recipes or are they family secrets?